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My Bath Time Essentials

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When learning to live a happy and balanced life it is important to take some time out for yourself. One of my favorite ways to have “me” time is to take a relaxing bath. I’m not just talking about some water in a tub, I create a spa like atmosphere that leaves me feeling relaxed and refreshed. I light candles, add bubbles, turn on fairy lights…the whole nine yards!

I find that being alone for an hour every now and then allows me to let go of a lot of the pent up anxiety or stress I may be harboring. I can zone out to a dreamy playlist or veg out on the new season of Fuller House on Netflix (this has really happened!) and forget or let go of what is bothering me. Recharging like this lets me approach the same problems with a clearer mind and helps me make a new plan to try and get past them.

Here is a list of my bath time essentials!

  1. Candles-There is something about lighting a candle that instantly makes a space more cozy and comforting. Right now I am burning Bath and Body Works Flannel from their fall collection and one of Target’s signature soy candles called Sleigh Ride. Both scents are warming and since I burn them when I am taking a bath, they instantly calm me.
  2. Bubbles-Who doesn’t love a good bubble bath. When we were looking for a house to buy I knew I wanted a nice bath tub for these types of occasions and when I saw the master bath in our house for the first time it was LOVE at first sight. I have used bubble bars from LUSH before but I have been trying out bubble baths from the drug store. You can find really good deals and more often then not they have really great scents and make the most amazing bubbles!
  3. Bath Bomb-Again, I have used and love the LUSH bath bombs in the past but if I need one quickly I stop by the local Rite Aid and pick one up in their beauty section. I have also discovered mini bath bombs that come multiple in a package at Target and they are nice as well and very affordable. The bath bomb just adds that sort of spa-like feel when you’re at home.
  4. Face Mask-I really enjoy clay masks when I am taking a bath. I put it on right before I get in and let it dry and then rinse it off in the bath water. There’s something about relaxing in a bath with a face mask on that just transports you. I have been really loving the Freeman Feeling Beautiful Dead Sea Minerals Anti-Stress Mask. It smells divine and it has no parabens in it. It leaves my skin feeling really soft and refreshed. I also recently picked up the Studio 35 Beauty Facial Clay Mask in Avocado & Oatmeal which is really nourishing as well!
  5. Fairy lights-Fairy lights take the spa-like ambiance to a whole new level. The soft glow of the fairy lights with the candles makes for a really relaxing bath!

What do like to do for your “me” time?


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