How I Schedule My Workouts
It’s no secret that this year I have focused a lot on my exercising habits. It’s also no secret that I have struggled a lot in the past to remain consistent with my workout schedule. Like I discussed in my finding your exercise and sticking to it post I need variety in my routine to keep me interested and sometimes I get overwhelmed with how much I like to do to exercise that it helps for me to plan week by week what I want to do. I also find that scheduling my workouts in my planner is like scheduling an appointment with myself in there. I find that I am more motivated to do my workouts during the week when I have them all laid out for me.
When I sit down on Sundays to set my intention for the week I use that time to also plan what workouts I want to do for the week and on what days. It’s really as simple as writing it down in my planner for each day. I also like this because I can look back and see what I’ve done and if I really liked how a week of workouts went I can plan more that are similar.
Do you write out a workout plan weekly? How do you schedule your workouts?