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Our Garden 2017

Some of my fondest memories as a kid were spent out in the backyard helping my dad with the garden during the spring and summer months. My dad has quite the green thumb and his gardens have gotten better and better each year. Since I was young I have always dreamed about growing my own vegetables when I was lucky enough to have my own house.

Years later and here we are. I am still learning a lot about gardening and we have two small raised beds and I think it’s a great place to start. I have also branched out to growing things in pots as well. To me, gardening is all about trial and error and it’s so exciting when you’re able to harvest something that you have grown yourself. The taste of the vegetables is completely different when you grow your own as opposed to buying them from the store.

I try and grow different things every year except tomatoes, radishes, and fresh herbs are always a must! This year we decided to try leeks, jalapenos, cayenne peppers, cauliflower, kale, strawberries, arugula, Chinese eggplant, dill, and cilantro. We also have two tomato plants, radishes sprouting, parsley growing in the kitchen, rosemary, sage, chives, thyme, and lemon thyme. We try and have herbs that grow year round because there is nothing like adding fresh herbs when cooking.


Do you have a garden? What kinds of vegetables are you growing or would you grow if you had a garden?


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