Our Backyard
As a kid I was really lucky to live at a house with a big backyard. My dad has done a lot with his yard over the years and it is still one of my favorite parts of his property in Covington. When Jake and I started looking for a house to buy a few years ago one of our wishes was to have a big backyard where we could entertain guests and plant a garden.
I think the second I walked out the back sliding door of this house I was in love. It’s a beautiful oasis in this suburban area that has grown by leaps and bounds as the years have gone by. The noise from the road at the beginning of the neighborhood is muffled by the house next door making the atmosphere really tranquil especially in the morning when the birds are starting to wake up with the sun. It’s my favorite place to enjoy my morning cup of tea during the spring and summer months.
We have a large variety of lilies that bloom at different parts of the season and fill the yard with a lovely smell and beautiful colors everywhere you look. Lavender and wildflowers I have added attract the perfect little honey bees that pollinate my tomato and strawberry plants that produce the sweetest fruit. My other vegetables seem to be doing wonderfully this year as well with the help of the “moo doo” my dad added to the soil last year! And the crowning glory is a beautiful wisteria bush that has snaked its way up a trellis on one end of the patio. It blooms early spring and has the most fragrant flowers ever!
When I saw this backyard I knew that this was the house for us. I think I speak for Jake and myself when I say it was definitely a selling point for this place! It has been a lot of hard work and a lot of upkeep but it is worth every bead of sweat. I look forward to the day when our babies will be running around out here. It’s a magical place to spend time and I look forward to making more lasting memories as we build our life together.