What To Do When You Stop Believing in Yourself
I’ve posted previously about my struggle with body image. Recently I’ve experienced some trouble with self doubt and lack of motivation. Not only have I been pretty lax in my exercise routine and my healthy eating goals but I have unfortunately felt a lack of motivation to create content for this blog. I was feeling overwhelmed with working my full time job during the week, trying to keep up with producing content that I am proud of on here, as well as keeping up with the progress towards my health and fitness goals. The more overwhelmed I get the easier it becomes for me to allow negative thoughts to occupy my mind until I just feel really lousy. I begin these slumps with the same question each time…why can’t I just get my act together? I feel like there are moments in time where I just stop believing in myself.
It sounds awful, I know, but it’s he only way I can think to describe the feelings I get during those times. These moments come less frequently than they used to but I’m still trying to figure out how to navigate them in order to prevent a massive derailment of all of the progress I have made.
Reminding myself that perfection is an illusion is difficult because I fixate on things that I want done a certain way and when real life doesn’t meet those expectations I am really hard on myself. I find myself wanting make too many changes at once and when I begin to fail it’s very discouraging. My blog and my health and fitness goals began to feel more like a second job than something that I was doing to feel more fulfilled.
In order to relieve some of the self inflicted stress I decided to scale back on the amount of changes I was trying to make at once. I also decided to post only two days a week instead of the three I have been doing since March. This way I feel like I can spend more time and focus on making my content the best it can be and focus on making small changes and taking it one day at a time. My stress level has gone down but I still am trying to take the time to remind myself that I am human and I need to let myself be just that. I need to be proud of what I have accomplished so far and keeping in mind that change can happen gradually if I let it.

One simple change at a time Sam! Love how you open up and become so vulnerable as you share with us. You are human! Today is a new day!! The body achieves what the mind believes!!
Thanks Jodi 🙂