Since the beginning I have really tried to make this blog a place of honesty with no judgments. I have spoken so openly about my struggles with body image that it feels a lot like some of the journal entries I have written to myself in the past except its out there for anyone and everyone to read if they so choose. My fear, though, is that I have given a false sense that I am past all of those insecurities when really they are very much present and things that I struggle with on a daily basis.
My hope for this blog has always been that it is something positive for people to read when so much of the news today is so heavy. Writing this blog has really helped put my mind in a positive place even though I have negativity occupying my thoughts sometimes on a daily basis. When I posted recently about stopping believing in yourself, I wrote it because in all honesty that is what has taken place over the last month. It’s hard, when I write posts about all these tips and tricks you can use to reach your health and fitness goals, to not feel obligated to follow them myself and lead by example. The problem is that in feeling this way I am putting way too much pressure on myself which can become quite overwhelming at times.
To clear my head I took last week off from posting and I believe it truly helped me settle a few things with myself. I love writing and that is one of the reasons I started this blog and it is a positive driving force in my life. I love sharing fun tips and tricks with my audience but need to remind myself that just because I post it doesn’t mean that I need to follow each item to the “T.” It’s important for me to remember to enjoy the journey and continue to work on my insecurities and I intend to do just that while continuing to post content on here that I find helpful and inspiring. I hope you’ll continue on this journey with me!