Things To Remind Yourself Everyday
Sometimes life can get hectic and it’s easy to get stuck in a routine of self doubt, negativity, and feelings of inadequacy. Questions like “What am I doing with my life?” or “Am I good enough?” seem to only add to the anxiety because in those types of moods the only answers are negative ones. I have personally experienced ruts like this and sometimes I have let them linger for longer than I care to admit. But let me be the one to answer those questions above for you; Yes, you most certainly are enough and figuring out what to do with your life can take a lifetime so give yourself a break and focus on what makes you happy and you’ll find your way if you follow your heart.
Below are daily reminders for yourself to remember on particularly shitty days or everyday if you want. Tell them to yourself in the morning to start your days off on a positive note. Share them with your friends so they can get in on those positive vibes too.
Perfection is an illusion
Constantly comparing yourself to someone who you think is “perfect” will never make you feel good about yourself. Ever. If there are things about yourself that you are unhappy with by all means make the positive changes you need to change your way of thinking about yourself but if perfection is what you strive for you’ll be disappointed every time. You are beautiful just the way you are and anyone who makes you feel anything less is not worthy of your time or energy.
Focus on the present
I often find myself thinking if I had just changed the one thing that one time that things would be different. Feeling guilty about everything I ate the day before. Or I find myself thinking about how I want my life to be down the line instead of actually taking the steps to make it happen. Dwelling on the past won’t change it and wishing things will go a certain way in the future will only ever be wishes unless you start making the changes today! Be in the present and don’t put off till tomorrow what you can start today!
Thoughts become things, think good thoughts
Try to find something positive in your everyday life. This works! Go ahead and give it a try!
You will only fail if you quit
Setbacks are inevitable but don’t let them derail all of your progress. Use them as learning experiences and move on!
When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you
It takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown. In customer service they tell you to “smile and dial” because smiling affects your tone of voice. If I am ever stressed I find that smiling helps to reduce the overwhelming feelings. They say smiles are contagious so go ahead and pass it on 🙂