Getting Back On Track After Vacation
After a much needed break from real life it feels really great to be back and creating new content for my little corner of the internet! Our 3 1/2 week European vacation and the sweetest and most romantic marriage proposal 🙂 was just what I needed to recharge my batteries and get excited and motivated to make positive changes in my life.
Before we left for vacation I was not eating as well as I would have liked and I had not worked out consistently for quite some time. I was not feeling good about myself which didn’t help in the motivation department. Of course while on vacation I didn’t hold back either. I drank all the wine and ate all the bread and cheese I wanted! The nice thing, though, about being on vacation in such historic and beautiful cities is all the walking you do when site seeing which I know is what prevented me from gaining weight over the course of the vacation.
Now that we’re back I am making an effort to get my body moving again and to make my nutrition more of a priority. Thanks to jet lag I have found getting up early a lot easier even though the mornings are dark now. I get up before my mind has time to decide to stay in my warm bed. I’ve been going for walks/jogs on my usual route through our neighborhood. It’s not much but it’s a start. Next week I start on a new fitness journey too that I am excited to share. I ordered the body boss fitness guide and it arrived on Thursday. I will be starting with the 4 week pre-training program before starting on the 12 week program. The workouts are short and sweet and don’t require fancy equipment so you can do them anytime and anywhere!
For nutrition I am going to focus a lot more on meal planning than I ever have in the past. I want to make it a consistent habit in order to help us save $$$ (more for the wedding!) and shed some unwanted pounds. I am going to be experimenting with some dietary changes as well to try and determine what foods make me feel great and which ones make me feel lousy. I will be sharing some of these experiences on the blog as well so stay tuned!
My personal development and mind set have been really important to me this year and I will continue working on these as well. I want it to be just as easy to say I love you to myself as it is to say it to my family and friends.
And lastly, this blog has been a great therapy tool. I love writing and sharing my thoughts on food, nutrition, fitness, body image and just general life things. I have been planning lots of content to share with you and I hope you’ll join me on the continuation of this journey! Posts will be up every Wednesday and Sunday. I also love hearing from the people who are reading so if you like something or have something to share, please feel free to leave a comment!

Congratulations on your engagement Samantha! What wonderful news!
Monica x
Thanks Monica!! I appreciate it 🙂
So excited for you Samantha! Hopefully see you next Saturday!
So true Sam to all you say in your Blog you go girl and hugs see you next Sat at Elisabeth’
s I hope.
I will be there 🙂