
Life Update

It’s been quite a while since I actually sat down and wrote a blog post. I thought since I haven’t posted since the beginning of January I would let you know where I’ve been.

January didn’t get my year off to the best start. After an 18 year run my fur baby, my heart, my cat Gus died at home only 2 weeks after having the vet tell us that his kidneys were failing. I had Gus since I was twelve years old and losing him was something I never thought I would be able to handle and in all honesty it was something I wasn’t ready to face. I decided to give myself time to heal and time to accept life without him. Dramatic? Maybe to some but after caring so much for my animal for over half of my life losing him hit me really hard.

Since then, I have been focusing on my new years resolutions as well as researching all things wedding. I have gone to both the Tacoma Wedding Expo and the Seattle Wedding Show and have so many ideas for our special day. I can’t wait to find a venue and set a date so the real planning can begin! I have started going to the gym again with Jake a few mornings a week and also incorporating HIIT workouts a few days a week. I always forget how motivating it is to go to the gym with Jake. It feels good to get back in a routine of working out with him.

We have started (again) planning some meals here and there which is totally nice on those nights when we’re both not sure what to make because it takes the guess work out of what we are going to eat. I am also making a conscious effort to drink more water and pack my breakfasts and lunches everyday.

I have new content that is in the works for this blog that will be coming at you soon!


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