Little Things To Do For Yourself Everyday
One of my areas of focus this year is self care. Self care is something that I constantly put on the back burner in my own life but in my quest to feel good about myself and be comfortable in my body, developing a self care practice is key. Making small changes can be so beneficial to your mental health and how you view your place in this crazy world. Small changes can make a big difference in your everyday life. Being able to recognize the little things that make you feel fabulous and then trying to implement them in a daily routine can really help motivate you and change your mindset. Here are a few things you can do for yourself everyday to help you feel great!
Move Your Body
This doesn’t have to mean getting in a sweaty gym session every single day. For me, I feel so much better when I start my day getting up early and getting my body moving. Even on a designated rest day during the week I like to get up and go for a quick walk around my neighborhood. I put my headphones in and listen to a great playlist or a catch up on a podcast I have been listening to. Taking a walk outdoors does so much to help clear my mind and it motivates me to set my intentions for the day. So, whatever it is that makes you want to get up off the couch or out of bed and get moving do it! You’ll thank yourself later.
Listen To Something That Inspires You
Recently I downloaded one of those podcast apps on my phone and since that day I have been devouring podcast after podcast. I love listening to interviews with inspiring women and tend to gravitate towards podcasts focusing on self love and body positivity. I also love listening to audiobooks in the car on my way to work. There is something about listening to something motivational that can turn your day around. Click the picture below to check out a podcast I am loving at the moment!!
Create A Self Love Mantra And Recite It
At times when I am feeling really low, I tend to think negatively about my body and am very unkind to myself. Think about it, if you wrote a list of the things you don’t like about your body and then read it to your best friend how do you think he/she would react? Probably not very well. In an effort to change my mind set I have written myself a self love mantra and have been reciting it to myself every morning on my way to work. This puts me in a positive mindset and I truly feel that it is helping with the negative feelings I have about myself.
Felicity Hayward was a guest on one of the podcast episodes I just listened to called Style Your Mind and when she was asked what her self love mantra was, she simply said “Self Love Brings Beauty.” It’s as simple as that. Remind yourself daily of the positive things in your life that you deserve and slowly your mindset will begin to shift. Extend your focus beyond what you see in the mirror.
Take 5 To 10 Minutes Of Me Time
I know there are people out there who have busier lives than I do. I get it, you’ve got kids to take care of and a significant other who needs your attention, and work, and trying to keep up with friends, and working out, etc. But do yourself a favor and take 5 to 10 minutes to just breathe, be alone, and relax. This can be having a cup of tea or coffee and just sitting outside for a bit in the morning before everyone else is up or meditating or sitting in your room with the door shut and a good book in your hand. Whatever you need to relax for this short period of time, do it! This reminds us to slow down and make time for ourselves even if it is just for 5 to 10 minutes of the day.
Wear Something That You Feel Confident In
Self love isn’t just about what you see when you look in the mirror, but sometimes feeling great about how you look in something can be a really powerful tool in helping your mindset. For me, it is a pair of jeans. When I put these on I LOVE how they make my legs and booty look. I feel confident when I wear them and always seem to have a great day as well. For you, it may be a beautiful necklace or a really colorful top. If you feel like your confidence is lacking that day, put that item on and rock it! (disclaimer: sorry about the dirty mirror below haha)
Check out my Body Bible Pinterest board for more inspiration!