
Happy Birthday!!


It’s hard to comprehend where the last year has gone. I remember clicking publish for my first post on Learning to Bloom and here we are a year later! While I didn’t post as consistently as I hoped I am very proud of the content I have created over the last year. It has been a dream come true sharing my thoughts and bits of my journey in this space. I have some really exciting content planned for the coming months and I hope to reach even more people in the coming year.

If you’ve been reading since the beginning, I want to say a big THANK YOU for supporting this labor of love. If you’re new here, welcome!

Check out some of my favorite posts from the last year.

The Little Black Dress

It’s All About The Journey

My Paris Bucket List

Fruit & Herb Infused Water – 3 ways

Five Things I’m Trying to Do in the Evenings

My Bath Time Essentials

30 Things I Have Learned in 30 Years

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