Books I’ve Read Recently
I feel like I go through phases with the material that I read. At one point I was devouring audiobook after audiobook of wonderful fiction and I felt like I would never get enough of it. Lately though my interest has shifted to personal development and I have been reading quite a bit lately. Along with listening to tons of podcast episodes I have been looking for inspiration on my bookshelf. Over the last year I have bought so many personal development books on Amazon and I decided to start reading them to see what kind of collection I have built up. I have definitely not been disappointed! Here are a few that I have read recently!
The Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagan
I’ve never been great with money and Jake is actually very smart and strategical with his. In an effort to get on a somewhat equal footing in this department I picked up The Financial Diet: A Total Beginners Guide to Getting Good with Money. Sometimes I find it difficult to take advice from Jake and I even get kind of defensive about my financial state but this book has introduced sensible and easy to follow tips and tricks to get to a comfortable place with my money. I highly recommend it to anyone who has dreams of financial wellness and comfort and just needs a little nudge in the right direction. The Financial Diet is also a blog covering topics from student loans and investing to career advice and much more!
Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba
I discovered Cara Alwill Leyba when I stumbled across her workbook on Amazon called Style Your Mind. Since then I have bought all of her self published books and am an avid listener to her highly rated podcast also called Style Your Mind. This woman is the real deal! She is self made and is one of those empowering women who empower women. I just started Girl Code and already feel motivated and inspired to work on my personal development and shift my mindset into a more positive one.
The Goddess Revolution by Mel Wells
As I have shared previously on this blog, I have struggled with body image for most of my life. I still struggle with it to this day and have been at odds with my body and my relationship with food. The Goddess Revolution has really opened my eyes to the negative habits I have let develop over the course of my life not only towards my body but towards the food I put into my body. So much of the book resonates with me and I haven’t been this inspired by a book since I read Wild by Cheryl Strayed or Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I have gotten so much motivation and blog content ideas from reading this book and I can’t wait to share it with you all very soon!