The Future You
What does your ideal life look like? One topic brought up in The Goddess Revolution discusses the “future you.” Ask yourself this, what would you do for your mind and your body each day or each week if money were no object and time wasn’t an issue? What would an ideal day in the life of the future you look like? I am almost certain that at one point or another we all have thought to ourselves…I want this to be different in the future. One of the things I think about the most and day dream about is what I want my life to be like. When I began the Style Your Mind workbook, one of the first prompts is to write down what your vision is of what you would like your life to be like. Below is what I wrote…
In my ideal world I am a strong, healthy, happy, and confident woman. I am comfortable in my own skin no matter what size I am. No matter where I live I want to be surrounded by beauty and the people I love the most. I am a female entrepreneur who continues to create content on this blog and writes books to inspire and motivate women to strive for their goals whatever they may be. I help them to become the best versions of themselves. I am a mother and happily married to the love of my life. I am out of student loan debt. I prioritize myself and make sure that my needs are being met as well as others around me. I dress in clothes that flatter my body and make me feel confident and sexy. Fitness and healthy eating are very important to me and I make sure that I pass that importance onto my children. I have a close group of friends that I make time to see and catch up with. I am saving money so that my kids do not have to graduate college with any student loan debt. I make sure to prioritize my marriage because it is very important to me to continue our bond at every point in our marriage. I continue to travel the world and experience different cultures.
The definition of success varies from person to person but success is something we all strive for. But something you must figure out is how to define it for yourself. Once you have figured out your definition use it as your catalyst for every step you make towards your short and long term goals. Take it a step further and determine if there is something you can do every single day for your future self that is going to get you that much further along your journey. Are you taking care of not just your body but your mind as well? These two things are going to help you develop into that person you picture. From now on instead of thinking “I hope this is what my future will look like,” say “this IS what my future will look like.” Push those positive vibes out into the universe to help manifest the life of your dreams.