My Simple 2019 Bullet Journal Planner Spread
Buying a new planner has always been one of my favorite new year traditions. I love flipping through a newly purchased planner and adding my important dates but a lot of times I find either the planner doesn’t have exactly what I need or it has way more than what I need. This year I decided that instead of shelling out the dough for a new planner, I would bust out a bullet journal that I bought over a year ago and create my own. The time is takes to do this may seem a bit overkill but this planner layout I have created for myself is simple and functional. So far I have created the layouts through the month of June and this will allow me to make any changes I think I’ll need for the last half of the year when the time comes.
I start my months with a full calendar. I like the full calendar view as I use it for a quick glance of any important dates or appointments I have coming up.

The next few pages are the weekly view paired with a weekly meal plan layout. I really liked this idea because it allows me to see my entire weekly plan at a glance, meals and all. It also will inspire me to keep up with my weekly meal plan and carry one less notebook in my purse so I figure its a win all around!

At the end of each month, I decided to add a page to plan blog content for the month as well as add a page for my monthly goal so I can easily reference the plan I have laid out for myself. This is such a simple planner layout but at the moment it’s just what I need!

What pages would you add to your bullet journal planner?