Goal A Month: January
I shared a little bit in a previous post about how I am approaching goals for 2019. The plan is to create healthy habits that build up to help me reach the larger goals I have for myself. To do this, I have created a plan for each month and each habit I hope to develop. I’ve also made it a point to tap into my “why power” to really get to the heart of why I want to develop this habit. By doing this I have built in motivation!

For January, I really wanted to focus on becoming an early riser. A few years ago, I got up early no problem. I find that getting up early really helps me get into a positive head space. I have time to workout, eat breakfast, pack my lunch, and shower and it makes me feel like I’ve already accomplished so much before I walk through the doors at the office.
When I decided to get started on developing this habit, I began by planning out a routine for the morning time but soon realized that a solid routine in the evening is also necessary. I have identified four nightly rituals that I am going to use to alert my body that it is time to settle down for the night. On top of these four rituals, I am trying to put my phone down about an hour before bed. To be quite honest, this nightly routine has been the hardest part to get started on. I still have difficulty switching off but I am trying. Tonight is a new night so to speak and there is

I’m feeling pretty good about January so far. Getting up before the sun is hard especially in these dark, cold winter months but remembering why I want to create this habit has helped on the motivation front! I can’t wait to share more of my monthly goals with you on this platform this year!

What goals have you set for yourself this year?