5 Things In September
It certainly has been a long time since I have posted in this space. The process of planning our wedding took a lot of time and energy and it was just easier to focus on that for the time being. Since getting back from our honeymoon we’ve been settling into married life which is very similar to our pre-married life except I get to call Jake my husband in conversations with others!
I will be honest though, I have been suffering from the post-wedding blues and have found it difficult to motivate myself back into any sort of routine be in posting to my blog, exercising or consistently packing my breakfasts and lunches for work. In an attempt to improve my mood though I wanted my first post back to be one of gratitude for the past month.
1. Puyallup Fair & Weezer Concert
At the very beginning of the month, we attended the Puyallup Fair (advertised as Washington State Fair but it will always be the Puyallup fair to me). As is fair tradition we got elephant ears and fair scones, rode the ferris wheel and the roller coaster, wandered through the livestock barns and looked through the agricultural displays. We also attended the Weezer concert in the evening which was so much fun. I had never seen Weezer live before but they were one of my favorite bands when I was younger!

2. Huckleberry Picking
The following weekend we went up to the mountains with my dad and his friend to go pick huckleberries. We met them for breakfast at a small cafe in Enumclaw and then headed up into the beautiful Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. It was a perfect day, not too hot and not too cold. We got about three gallon bags full of berries! After our picking extravaganza, we stopped at a taphouse in Black Diamond for a few beers.

3. Flaming Geyser State Park
The next day, Jake and I decided to head out to Flaming Geyser State Park. It was another beautiful day and we decided to explore the park on foot. We took a short hike and checked out the areas where the geysers once were. It was such a nice weekend outdoors!

4. Virtual Assisting Coursework
At the beginning of August, I bought a course called 30 Days or Less to Virtual Assistant Success. I had major imposter syndrome after I bought it but after support from some close friends and my husband, I got to work on it this last month. I am still working my way through the course but I am very excited about where this new side hustle could lead me!
5. Fall is FINALLY here
I LOVE this time of year. The weather gets cooler and the nights in my house get a little more cozy with warm blankets, fall scented candles, and Halloween themed movies. I get to crack out my sweaters and my boots and my morning cup of tea is usually of the pumpkin spice variety!