Currently Reading
I have loved reading since I was very young. I remember sitting with my dad and my brother every night reading through our extensive collection of Sesame Street and Berenstain Bears books as well as a pile of the childrens books with the golden spines. As we got older we moved onto chapter books, our favorites were Charlotte’s Web and Stuart Little. It is such a vivid memory I have that I can’t remember when I ever stopped reading. It could have been in junior high when we started having assigned books to read. Anyway, somewhere along the line, I began to read less.
Over the years I have gone through phases of reading a ton to not reading at all. This year I have gotten really into audiobooks and have listened to quite a few on Audible but recently I have gotten back into reading a physical book and I have been LOVING it! I finished The Hundred-Foot Journey by Richard C. Morais recently and I couldn’t wait to jump into a new story.

I currently have four books on my reading list and I thought it would be fun to share them with you in case you were looking for something new to read!
The Cactus by Sarah Haywood
Admittedly, when this post goes up I have already finished this book while we were on our way to New York. I started it in Bali and then when we got back from our honeymoon, life got in the way and I set it down for quite a while. When I picked it back up a few weeks ago I couldn’t get enough of it!

Paris Letters by Janice Macleod
After I finished The Cactus, I decided to start Paris Letters. I LOVE books that take place in Paris. I have always dreamed about Paris and since we got engaged there a few years ago I love it even more. A setting in Paris is my jam! So far I am loving the book. It is a true story and the author has a blog too!

A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro
I love a good mystery, I think I read almost every Boxcar Children book when I was a kid. I like the story of Sherlock Holmes and Watson so I thought this would be a fun read as the main character is the granddaughter of the famous Sherlock Holmes!

Brooklyn by Colm Tóibín
I watched this movie last year for the first time and loved it! I picked this book up at Value Village last year for half price. After we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge on our trip to New York last week I couldn’t wait to dig into this story!