Is it Possible You’re Getting Too Much Self-Help Advice?
For quite a while now, I have been on my own personal development journey. I have devoured books, articles, and podcasts on the areas of personal development that interest me. I have tried to curate my social media feeds to include as many inspiring people as I can. But there have been times when I have felt overwhelmed, not knowing what I should do first and that’s usually when my motivation tanks. How is it possible to feel like this when I have curated my feeds to give me all thing inspirational content? Is it really possible to get too much self-help and personal development advice?

My short answer is yes. I have worked really hard to curate my social media feeds to include more positive, motivational, and inspiring content but the truth is, there are times when I am taking in so many different perspectives about what I should do to try and live my best life, that it leaves me at a loss of where to start or what to try first. I’ve tried to follow the advice of trying one thing at a time but the perfectionist in me and possibly my impatient nature always leads me down a path of trying to do EVERYTHING at once which has never worked out well for me. Then after failing at seemingly everything again, I find myself back at square one searching for something to click for me.
Another way to recognize when you may be getting too much advice is that it can make it so easy for you to get stuck in the planning phase. The phase where it never feels like the right time to start but you’ll over plan to make yourself think you’re still working towards change when in all actuality you’re still just “stuck.” I am so guilty of making so many to-do lists to start tomorrow, and lists of things that I want to accomplish. I have made lists and planned for months to work towards goals without actually making any progress towards them whatsoever.

At what point though, do we tell ourselves to just go for it? At what point, do we start that blog, ask for the raise we know we deserve, start that side hustle we’ve been dreaming about? At what point do we start putting ourselves first and using the advice we’re getting from the people who are inspiring us as more of a guideline than an actual to-do list?

I should be clear here, I am a huge advocate of personal development and self-help and I follow many inspiring coaches and motivational speakers. At what point though, do we start that blog, do we ask for the raise we know we deserve? When do we start that side hustle we’ve always dreamed about? When do we just go for it and put ourselves first? Personal development should not feel like a chore. It’s not meant to overwhelm you and keep you stuck, it’s to help you blaze your own trail! To me, personal development is using the advice we’re getting from those who inspire us most as more of a guideline than an actual to-do list. Personal development is building your confidence to just go for it, to choose joy, making the choice to live your values every day. I encourage you to pick and choose the advice to follow but be sure it aligns with what YOU want for your dream life. Choose your own path and establish a personal development practice that is unique to you!
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Comment below or connect with me over on Instagram!