Life,  Personal Development,  Self Care

5 Simple Ways I am Putting Myself First to Kickoff 2022

When I decided to make 2022 the year of getting to know myself again and putting myself first, I thought of small things I could do to start the year on the right foot. Things that will bring me joy and make me feel like a goddess. Identifying ways to raise your vibration that you can apply to your life today will help get the ball rolling to a more confident and self-assured future for yourself!

1. Purchase new bras

I am kind of embarrassed to admit that I rotate between three bras and have had said bras for over 2 years now. They are stretched out, the fabric is pilling, and not to get too graphic but there are stains from years of deodorant use, sweat, and fabric dyes. How am I supposed to feel confident or, dare I say, sexy when I get dressed in the morning if I’m putting on the saddest bras you ever did see?! So, one of the first purchases of the year will be new bras and I am thrilled!

2. Do at least one thing that brings me joy everyday

Back in the Fall, I made a list of 30 things that make me happy. They range anywhere from having tea on my patio to going to see live theater, to chatting with a friend. My thought with making this list was that on the hard days when I am feeling the most stressed I can look at the list and pick one or two things that I could do to make myself feel better. My thought for the New Year though is why wait for the stressful days? Why not do at least one every single day? I am on a mission to find more joy in the small things and I really feel like this will help me in my pursuit!

3. Morning Pages

In the last half of 2021, I picked my journal up again and was writing more than I had in over a year. I have always liked putting my thoughts down in a journal. I just recently went to my dad’s house and brought back all of the storage bins that had my keepsakes from school (6 in total…yikes!) and in one of them, I found 2 half-filled journals that I flipped through and read over the thoughts of my 13-year-old self. It was cringy and kind of sad how many times I mentioned losing weight and how I thought that if I could just lose weight, the boys at school would notice me. They never did and I never lost weight but I know at the time having a journal to put my thoughts in was so helpful for me at that age. I read this article on the Wit & Delight blog about morning pages and it is something I have been wanting to try for a while now. I hope it will help clear my head in the morning or whenever I decide to write them (I don’t want to have a hard rule for them in the mornings).

4. Have a bath once a week

In an attempt to carve out more me-time I want to relax in the bath at least once a week. I know baths are not for everyone but I love to get into the warm water and read a book, watch a show on my laptop, or listen to a calming music station on Pandora. It is one of the best ways I have found to relax and mull things over in my head. It may seem a bit silly but I always feel better after a bath and it’s one of my simple pleasures that can make all the difference in my day.

5. Prioritize breaks during my work day

When things get extra busy at work I tend to let my lunch breaks pass without taking them. I also can’t remember the last time I took a 15 minute break. When I started taking walks at lunch it really hit home to me how important it is to take your breaks during the workday. It helps me get away from the work and helps to clear my head. It calms my stress and allows me to approach the existing work problems with a more fresh eye and helps me to be more creative with my problem-solving.

How do you put yourself first?

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