Books,  Life,  Personal Development

My Top 5 Favorite Personal Development Books

I have loved the topic of personal development since I started getting really into it back in 2016. My favorite way to digest personal development information is to read and I have read some really amazing books over the years! All the way back at the beginning of this blog I wrote about my favorite motivational and transformative books here, two of which you will see on this list as they still have such a special place in my heart.

5 Transformative Personal Development Books

1. Girl on Fire by Cara Alwill

Honestly, this woman is the queen of personal development for me! I am pretty sure her content is what got me interested in personal development in the first place and I have followed her content since the first day I found her Instagram account and blog! This book was so transformative for me. I have been a serial people pleaser my whole life and it’s still something I struggle with at times but after reading this book I have made it a point to choose myself and put myself first in order to make opportunities happen for myself. This is a book that I will return to again and again because I believe in the message that much!

2. Atomic Habits by James Clear

I listened to this on Audible at the beginning of this year and the way the author breaks down how to build and break habits made so much sense for me! Creating habits is something that I have struggled with. It always seemed like whenever I decided on a habit I wanted to build, my consistency went out the window. This book is a guide that includes the science behind habit building and is a road map to creating good habits and breaking bad ones!

3. Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

This was such a feel-good read! This book is so inspiring and I love Marie Forleo’s message. When life seems to keep handing you lemon after lemon, this book inspires you to make lemonade. It is meant to train your brain to think outside the box in a more positive and creative way no matter what your circumstances but especially in the face of adversity.

4. Adventures for Your Soul by Shannon Kaiser

This book is all about self-accountability and how you could be holding yourself back with habits you probably never meant to build for yourself. Shannon Kaiser lays out an empowering process with actionable items to help transform your life and make happiness a natural way of being in your life! Each chapter has journal prompts and action items to help you along the journey!

5. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

For someone hoping to live a creative life but feeling stuck and not creative when I am in a rut, this book has been so beneficial! The wisdom and perspective of Elizabeth Gilbert throughout this book is so informative and inspiring. This book helped inspire me to start this blog after I read it for the first time and continues to inspire me to infuse my life with creativity, passion, and mindfulness.

What is your favorite personal development book?

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