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How to have a Cozy At-Home Movie Night

The days are shorter and the nights feel the coziest this time of year. This absolutely calls for an at-home movie night! It is one of my favorite things to do this time of year! I am kind of an authority figure on these things and I know just what you need to make your next at-home movie night the best!

How to have the Coziest at-home Movie Night!

Cozy Attire

If you haven’t noticed already, I LOVE festive garb! Give me a sweater with pumpkins on it and I am on board! The first thing I do to prepare for my movie night is to change into my coziest clothes. I try to wear something festive this time of year to get me in the mood but any cozy clothes will do!


What kind of movie night would it be without snacks? As a matter of fact, I think they may be THE most important element for your movie night! My go-to snacks are popcorn of course and then also some sort of sweet treat! For popcorn, I no longer buy the bagged kind. I find that I am never able to pop the whole thing without part or all of it burning. Instead, I make mine on the stove.

All you need is a large pot with a lid, 1/2 of popcorn kernels, and 2 TBSP of oil. I use canola or vegetable oil as it has a high smoke point. Add the oil to the pot along with 2 popcorn kernels and cover with the lid. Turn your burner to high and wait until both kernels pop. Once the second kernel has popped, your oil is ready. Add the rest of the kernels and replace the lid. Using the handles shake your pot at different intervals to make sure the popcorn is moving around. Remove from the heat once the popping has died down to a minimum.

I add mine to a big bowl and season sparingly with salt and then I love to top mine with truffle oil if I am feeling extra! There are a ton of other topping options as well but this is how I like mine!


No movie night is complete without a beverage to accompany your snacks! My favorite movie night accompaniment to my popcorn is either a diet coke or a festive beer! This time of year there is so many fun and festive options for beer at the grocery store! My personal favorite is Night Owl from Elysian Brewing!

Mood Lighting

Lastly, no one likes to watch a movie this time of year if the overhead light is brightly shining! I love to turn the overhead lights off and put on a lamp. I also decorate a lot with lights so those always add a really nice and cozy glow! You could also light a candle for some added coziness if you desire! Whatever way you can make your space the coziest it can be is perfect!

What is your favorite thing to do this time of year!


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