3 Goals for December 2022
Here we are, the last month of the year! December is arguably my favorite month of the year next to May and October. There is something so magical about it and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! This is also the month that people start reflecting on this past year and looking forward to a new one. As with every month, I am setting three small and achievable goals for this month to finish my year out strong!
3 Goals for December 2022
1. Schedule my week every Sunday
As a full-time business owner, it’s essential that I schedule my time wisely. For instance, I am notorious for spending extra time on my morning routine or scrolling on social media after I eat lunch extending it another half hour. As a result, my schedule gets pushed back and I don’t accomplish everything I was aiming for that day. Structuring my week helps me to focus and stay on task.
My plan is to sit down for an hour every Sunday and plan my week out. What days am I working on my copywriting business and what days am I working on my blog? In short, I need to have a schedule in order to accomplish what is needed for my blog and my business.

2. Make our bed every day
This is something I have always wanted to do for myself. Making your bed is said to improve productivity, reduce stress, and improve focus. have never been a bedmaker but there is something about it that appeals to me! Firstly, it makes our room look tidy. And secondly, is there really anything like getting into a made bed at the end of your day? I don’t think so!

3. Make the most of this season
This time of year is so “go, go, go.” I set this goal to make sure that I am more mindful about my time so that I can enjoy myself instead of stressing. I am going to do activities that help me enjoy the season like bake cookies, look at Christmas lights, do Christmas crafts, and watch all of my favorite holiday movies!

Share some goals that you have for the month in the comments below!