Life,  Life Lately

Life Lately: March 2023

I love when March rolls around every year. It means that Spring is well on its way and lighter days are ahead. Spring means pretty flowers, new beginnings, and the start of the gardening season! I have dove right into gardening tasks and executing my seed-starting plan that I made back in January. It has really been a joy to get my hands dirty and we have gotten a few nice days here and there to enjoy outside. I like to do posts like this to have these memories to look back on. I usually do a 5 things post but I think I want to mix up the format of that kind of post. We’ll see how it goes, but here is life lately in March 2023!

Life Lately: March 2023

Celebrating Mom

We celebrated my mom’s birthday this year with a dinner at our house. I made a roast chicken recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks called Dinner in French. It was so easy to prepare and delicious and herby! I can’t wait to make it again. For the sides, I roasted some asparagus and my brother made some yummy mashed potatoes. Then, for dessert, I made THE most delicious carrot cake from a New York Times recipe. I don’t normally bake and when I do it’s usually from a box but I wanted to do something special for mom. I am so glad I did too!

Learning to Bloom turns 6!

March marked 6 years since my first ever post on this blog. I didn’t really do anything to mark the occasion but I thought it was worth a mention here. The content that I am called to write at the moment is so different than what I wanted to write about originally. I have so many fun ideas for the Spring and Summer months. If you’ve been reading since those early days in 2017, I really appreciate your support!

Trying to establish a business

I’ve been working on building a copywriting business. I have chosen the niche of gardening and horticultural businesses because frankly, I love writing and learning about gardening. Currently, I am in a client aquisition phase and I have been writing for my friend Brooke’s business a bit so we’ll see where I can take this!

I have also been trying to refocus and post regularly on my blog. Growing more of an audience for this blog has always been a dream of mine and that really requires consistency. That hasn’t been my strong suit but I do want to really make an effort to post at least twice a week.

Gardening, gardening, gardening!

A huge focus for me this month is also something that brings me immense joy! I have been starting seeds, hardening off frost tolerant seedlings and planting them out, setting up garden trellises that will hopefully have an abundance of peas, beans, and cucumbers on them this Summer! Being outside working in my garden has been so good for my soul! I look forward to sharing more of my gardeing adventures as the Spring and Summer progress!

Things I am enjoying at the moment:

  • The Dateline podcast
  • Gardening…duh!
  • Working from the library a few days a week, it really helps me to get out of the house to focus!
  • Sunny Spring Days
  • Spring blooms like the crocus and daffodils!
  • Quick red onion fridge pickles. I put them on EVERYTHING!
  • Re-reading the Harry Potter series. I am reading the physical books this time instead of the audiobooks and I am loving every minute of it!
  • Making mint and lemon water. I had to get some fresh mint for the roast chicken recipe I did for my mom’s birthday dinner and I couldn’t let it go to waste. It’s a refreshing and yummy combo!
  • Posting on my @sow.little.thyme Instagram sharing my gardening adventures!

Blog posts to catch up on:

My Favorite Flowers to Start From Seed

3 Ways to Style a Plus Size Denim Jacket

How to Plan and Plant Your Own Garden

How to Make Easy Stovetop Popcorn

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