Life,  Life Lately

Life Lately: June 2023

Does anyone else feel like June just flew by? I feel like the month just started and now it’s over! I never feel like my months are busy with the exception of May which is my birthday month. But, when I sit down to write this post, I am shocked at how much I actually got up to when I think about it! That’s why I love these posts, it allows me to memorialize and practice gratitude for my life. Here’s what I got up to this month!

Life Lately: June 2023

My Dad’s New House

Back in April, I mentioned I was helping my dad find a new house and I am happy to report that he has finally moved into his new place. My dad has lived in his old house in Covington since 1987, my whole life. It feels so bittersweet that he’s not there anymore but I am excited for him in this next chapter of his life! I will miss the house that built me but I was able to dig up some irises and daylilies from the yard that I have transplanted in my own garden!

Father’s Day

For Father’s day, my brother, husband, and I took Dad to Duke’s at Kent Station for a really delicious dinner. After dinner, we headed over to Cold Stone to get a yummy sweet treat. It was nice to get together and chat, I am glad that we were able to do it so my brother could be there with us!

Grad Party

Our friend’s son graduated from high school this month so we headed over to their house for a small get-together to celebrate him.

Our Wedding Anniversary

June 15th was our 4-year wedding anniversary. This June also marks our 10-year dating anniversary as well! Time has flown by and I feel so grateful and lucky to have this supportive husband by my side.

Matt Bellassai at Tacoma Comedy Club

Jake and I went down to Tacoma to see Matt Bellassai! It was a fantastic show and we had some delicious appetizers and drinks!

Bachelorette Party

Last weekend I went and celebrated my friend Tyanna for her bachelorette party. We stayed at the Embassy Suites hotel that is next to Lumen field which was such a neat location. We went to lunch at Muse lounge in Pioneer Square and then we hung out at the hotel pool for a short time. For dinner we went down to the Hard Rock Cafe near Pike Place Market and then went to a show at Can Can Cabaret. It was such a fun time!

Jake’s New Boat!

My husband has been talking about getting a boat for so long and he finally pulled the trigger and bought one! We took the boat on its maiden voyage this last weekend to Lake Sawyer. I am looking forward to more time out on the boat this Summer!

In the Garden


Still not a lot coming out of the garden but we got our first strawberry harvest at the beginning of the month. Strawberries are so sweet when you grow them at home. They are delicious in smoothies, on top of yogurt, or as a snack! I’ve continued to harvest lettuce and peas, and various herbs. Now we are waiting on tomatoes and my plants are full of them. I can’t wait for my first tomato harvest this Summer. My pepper plants are looking super healthy as well and there are a ton of blossoms on them which excites me a lot!

What’s Blooming?

  • Cosmos all varieties
  • Anenomies
  • Zinnia
  • Lilies
  • Calendula
  • Marigolds
  • Foxgloves
  • Lupine
  • Yarrow
  • California Poppies
  • Sweet Alyssum
  • Clematis
  • Daylilies
  • Lavender

Things I Am Enjoying At The Moment

  • Making popsicles
  • Creating cut flower bouquets from flowers that I grew!
  • Freshly picked strawberries
  • Dateline Podcast
  • Fruit smoothies in the morning
  • Bike shorts – not sure why I am so late to the party on this!
  • My new work whiteboard

Blog Posts To Catch Up On

Easy Popsicle Recipes Perfect for Summer

YouTube Videos

Days in the Life | Gardening & Part of my Morning Routine

An Afternoon In The Garden | Kitchen Garden Update & Transplanting Herbs

An Afternoon of Planting in the Garden | Transplanting Mint

Transplanting Flowers from my Dad’s Yard | An Afternoon in the Garden

June 2023 Garden Tour

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