
10 Ways to Romanticize Your Life This Winter

This time of year can be hard for a lot of people. The days are short, we are in the middle of the holiday rush, and the weather is cold and not so great. I think it gets even worse after the New Year as well after the holidays are done and Winter feels like it will last forever. Admittedly, Winter is not my favorite season but I am going to try and make the best of it by changing the way I approach this time of year.

I talk a lot about romanticizing your life here on the blog. It is the best way to bring a little joy and gratitude to your life. This isn’t a toxic positivity thing either. I do lean into my feelings this time of year but having activities that can change up my everyday routine even a little bit is so helpful for my mental health. If you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or suspect you do, definitely speak to a professional. I am not a doctor, psychologist, or counselor but these types of activities have helped me in the past to have something little to look forward to until warmer days come!

10 Ways to Romanticize Your Life This Winter

1. Start a new book series or television series

I am a creature of habit which means I like to watch and read the same things over and over again. This year, I reread the Harry Potter series for the millionth time, I am rewatching Sex and the City. I need something new in my life. So in the New Year, I fully plan on finding a new book series to start or a new television show to watch. I’ve heard great things about the A Court of Thorns and Roses series so I think that’s where I will start!

2. Cozy up your space

During the holidays, I aim to make our house as cozy as possible. But then I take all the decorations down in the New Year and everything feels so bare and cold. Not this year, Winter should be cozy the whole time, not just around Christmas. I want to keep some of our lights up in the kitchen because I love the cozy glow they give. Candles and cozy blankets are also a must. There is something about lighting a candle and cozying up under a blanket on a cold night that just feels dreamy. I also want to have some more fires in our fireplace. That would give off the ultimate cozy vibes.

If you don’t have a fireplace, no problem! Just pick which elements make you feel cozy and add them around the house. Light a candle when you’re making dinner, add some fairy lights around, and whatever gets you in a cozy mood do that!

3. Partake in a Winter activity

Full disclosure, I don’t have any desire to ski or snowboard. I think there is something fun about going to the mountains though and seeing the snow! So, go ahead and partake in a Wintertime activity. If skiing and snowboarding aren’t your thing either, try ice skating, sledding, or building a snowman. Jake and I went snowshoeing at Lake Louise in Canada one year and it was magical! Even just going on a cold crispy morning walk this time of year can be magical. Whatever the activity is, get outside and enjoy the wintery weather!

Start a new hobby

While the last activity had you getting outside, let’s be honest, we spend a lot of time inside this time of year. What better time than to start a new hobby?! Whether you’ve been wanting to learn how to bake, knit a hat, or paint with watercolors, Winter can be a great time to start your new hobby! It’s a fun activity that can get your mind off of how cold it is outside! Winter happens to be a great time to start planning a garden if that’s something you’re into! You can get started with my post on planning and planting your very own garden for a basic overview but there are great online resources as well!

If you’ve been putting off starting a new hobby, take the opportunity this Winter to do it!

Host a game night with friends

Getting together with friends is a great way to beat the Wintertime blues. Try hosting a game night with them. Get some great food and drinks and have a fun night of competitive board game play!

Revamp your morning or evening routine

There is nothing like mixing things up when you’re feeling a little down. If you find yourself doing the same things day in and day out, try revamping either your morning or evening routine or both! Switching things up will help get you out of whatever rut you’re in.

Create a mood board for your New Year goals

I always feel a little inspiration a the end of the year. Looking forward to the new year ahead makes me want to create more focus and goals for myself. It’s one thing though, to just write down your goals and close them away in a notebook that you might not look at for months. Why not try and create a visual reminder by making a mood board? You can do it old school and create one on a poster board or can create one in Canva! I like to create one in Canva and then make it my desktop background on my computer. This is a great way to remind yourself of your goals daily!

Cook a hearty meal

I love getting in the kitchen this time of year. This goes along with my desire to be cozy. Comfort food is what we gravitate towards this year and I am here for it! I like to light a candle, put on a nice playlist, and get in the kitchen to make a warming and comforting dinner. My go to’s this time of year are soups and I love a crockpot chili. The best thing about these meals is that they usually make a lot so you have leftovers for the rest of the week, giving you more time to cozy up on the couch!

Take a long bath

Do you ever have one of those days where it feels impossible to get warm? My favorite thing to do on days like that is to take a long hot bath. I turn it into an experience by lighting some candles, adding a bath bomb or bubble bath, and reading a book or watching a movie or tv show. I love to take the time to relax and get warm. It’s the perfect self-care evening!

Start a gratitude practice

One of the best ways to remind you of the good things in your life is to start a daily gratitude practice. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just take a notebook and every day write down three things you are grateful for. After a while, you’ll have a treasure trove of reminders of how good your life is. What a fabulous gift to give yourself in the New Year!

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