Easy Natural Bird Feeders for the Garden
We talk a lot about inviting wildlife into the garden during the Spring and Summer months. I love watching the birds eat at the various feeders we have around the backyard. But, during the Winter it is so important to take extra care of our feathered friends. These little citrus bird feeders are so easy to make and the backyard birds will be so grateful for the extra help!
Easy Natural Bird Feeders for the Garden
Here are a few reasons we should be feeding the birds in our backyard during the cold Winter months.
- Their natural seed sources are depleted in Winter
- It will help them prepare for mating in Spring
- We’ll be giving them the extra calories they need
- If you can, offer a place for freshwater that can’t freeze
- Citrus fruit cut in half
- Bamboo skewer
- Twine
- Scissors
- Peanut Butter
- Birdseed
- Start by cutting your citrus fruit in half and remove the inside. You can eat or juice the fruit for later use.
- Cut your twine to the desired length you want your feeder to hang. Each feeder will need 4 pieces of twine.
- Next, tie a knot at the end of each piece of twine. Use the bamboo skewer to poke four holes across from each other in the peel. Thread each piece of twine through the holes you created in the peel of the feeder. I used the bamboo skewer to help poke the twine through.
- Mix some of your birdseed with 1/2 cup of peanut butter. Make sure your ratio is more seed than peanut butter.
- Fill your feeder with the peanut butter mixture, leaving a little room at the top. Top the mixture with some seeds patting them down so they are a bit more secure.
- Tie the 4 pieces of twine together at the top and hang in your backyard for your feathered friends!

A few things to note…
- Be sure to fill your feeders daily.
- Change out the seed frequently to make sure the birds don’t get sick from rotted seed if it has gotten wet.
- You can also mix your birdseed with lard until it is a paste and put that in the feeders.
- Place your feeder near a bush or a shrub so it offers a place for the bird to hide.
- Another idea for a natural birdfeeder would be to smother a pinecone in natural peanut butter and roll it in birdseed. Using the twine, tie it up in a tree or bush.

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