Life,  Life Lately

Life Lately: February 2024

I really enjoyed February this year. Of course with it being the shortest month even on a leap year, it went by extremely quickly! I have been able to get out into the garden for the first time since I did my garden clean-up back in November! It feels good to spend time outside and I love the mild Winter we’re having here in Western Washington! Here is everything we got up to in February!

Life Lately: February 2024

Back to the Gym

February is the month when I finally got back to the gym. It’s been a hot minute since I have stepped foot into one. I was hesitant but the new club we’re at is great. My mindset feels different, I recognize that my body feels good when it gets moving and I want to make it as strong and healthy as possible. At the moment, I am making it in 3 days a week and that feels good to me. I am not a hardcore gym person, but I enjoy the free weights and the treadmill, especially on rainy days. I’m feeling good and I am so glad we decided to rejoin a gym!


At the beginning of February, we were invited to our friend’s house to watch the Superbowl and eat yummy food. It was nice to get together with our friends and watch the game, especially the Usher Halftime Show! I loved the commercials and the shots of Taylor Swift watching from her suite!

Valentine’s Day

Jake and I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in the traditional sense. We don’t get each other anything but make sure to spend time together. This year, Jake made a yummy dinner and we shared a giant cupcake for dessert. It was the perfect night just the two of us. My mom also kindly brought me a bouquet. They were beautiful and I loved having fresh flowers in the house!

Friend Catch-ups

I was able to have catch-ups with 3 close friends this month. A video call with my friend Nicole is always much needed. Hopefully, we can get together in person sometime soon! I went to lunch and a mooch around Ikea with my cousin Lydia and then had my friend Amy over to hang out and watch a movie. Friend time is so important to my mental health and I loved catching up with these ladies!

Doctor Visits with My Parents

As much as it stresses me out to think about it, my parents are aging and I realized that I wanted to be more informed about their health and all that comes with it. I was able to go to a heart doctor appointment with my mom and I’ve been going with my dad to a treatment facility for Neuropathy once a week since late December and we finally finished the treatment therapy there. I feel a lot less stressed knowing what is going on and I know it will help me to encourage them to make the best choices for their health going forward.

Hike with Jake

Last Saturday, Jake and I decided to go for a short hike close to where we live. The hike is called Echo Peak Loop Trail and we’ve done part of it with our friends and their kids before but didn’t make it to the peak that time. It was a short but challenging climb and the views were worth it. It felt nice to be outdoors getting my heart rate up while spending time with my husband!

In the Garden…

February kicked off my seed-starting extravaganza! I have been sharing all of it over on my YouTube channel. So far this month I have started:

  • Onion
  • Kale
  • Snapdragons
  • Lettuce
  • Radish
  • Peas
  • Sweet Peas
  • Fennel
  • Chamomille
  • Parsley
  • Sweet Banana Peppers
  • Bell Peppers
  • Jalapenos
  • Cayenne Peppers
  • Microgreens

The mild weather we have been having also made the beautiful crocus come out and put on a show at least a month earlier than they did last year! The trees and the plants are all coming back to life and it feels like Spring is in the air!

Things I’m Loving at the Moment…

  • Gym workouts
  • The heating pad under my blanket on cold evenings
  • Jake’s homemade bread
  • Garnishing everything with microgreens
  • Pickled asparagus
  • The Real Dictators podcast
  • The new season of the Up and Vanished podcast
  • The Chicago show trio on NBC (Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, and Chicago PD)

Blog Posts to Catch Up On…

A Photo-A-Day Challenge: February 2024

Cute & Easy Valentine’s Day Garland

Happy Hosting: A Valentine’s Day Tablescape

Simple Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

My Favorite Gardening Posts from Learning to Bloom

Seeds to Start in February in Zone 8b

How to Grow Microgreens on Your Windowsill

YouTube Videos to Catch Up On…

Starting the First Seeds of the 2024 Gardening Season

Seedling Updates and Starting Microgreens for the first time

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