
10 Ways to Romanticize Your Life this Spring

Spring is a season full of possibilities! It’s a time of new beginnings. The weather is getting warmer and everything is coming into bloom. It’s the time of year when I am itching to spend the most time outside, especially on those sunny early Spring days! Spring is my favorite time of the year and there are little things I like to do to soak up the season. Here are 10 easy ways to romanticize your life this Spring!

10 Ways to Romanticize Your Life this Spring

Start a garden

Hear me out…you don’t need a large backyard to start a garden. Even if you live in an apartment, you can start a garden. You can grow a small herb garden on a sunny windowsill, certain vegetables do well in partial shade on a balcony, and all sorts of things grow well in containers if space is limited. Gardening is my favorite way to make the most of this season.

Buy a bouquet of Spring flowers

Is there anything better than fresh flowers in your home? At the end of Winter, everything feels stagnant and dull. Buying a bouquet or two of Spring flowers adds a touch of freshness to your space and can bring a smile to your face! I love a bouquet of daffodils or tulips in a vase on our kitchen table!

Write a letter to a friend or family member

When is the last time you wrote a letter? It’s a dying art. There is something fun about getting a piece of mail that isn’t a bill. I want to encourage you to get out a good old-fashioned pen and paper and write a letting to a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to for a while. Perhaps it could turn into a pen pal situation!

Spring clean your closet

There is something so refreshing about purging old clothes and shoes that you no longer wear. Spring is an excellent time to do this because it allows you to see everything that you have in your closet and dressers so you can determine if there is anything new that you need. It always feels like a weight is lifted once you drop off that bag of clothes at the thift store! Get some clarity this Spring by cleaning out your closet!

Make infused water

When the days start getting warmer, I love to make up batches of what I lovingly call my “Fancy Water.” Basically, it’s a pitcher of infused water in the fridge that makes for a refreshing beverage on those warmer days. The combinations are endless but here are a few of my favorites:

  • Raspberry, Lime, Mint
  • Lemon & Mint
  • Lemon, Orange, Lime
  • Strawberry, Lemon, Basil

Go to a flower festival

Here in Western Washington, the Skagit Tulip Festival is quite the site to behold in April. Fields and fields of beautiful tulips as far as the eye can see. It’s the perfect way to welcome Spring. Look for a flower festival local to you and welcome the season!

Open the windows

One of my favorite things to do on those sunny early Spring days is to open the windows and the sliding glass door in the kitchen to let the fresh air in. Like I said earlier about everything feeling stagnant, that includes the air in the house. I love having the windows open and feeling the breeze…it truly gives me life!

Buy a pretty Spring outfit

Now that your closet is cleaned out, go ahead and buy a new pretty spring outfit. Buy a flowy pastel-colored top or a fun floral printed dress to help get you into the Spring mood!

Visit a plant nursery or garden center

One of the best sunny day activities is going to a plant nursery or garden center! This time of year there are flowers everywhere and plant starts for your new garden! I always feel so inspired and happy being surrounded by the plants!

Get a fresh mani or pedi

Sandal season is on it’s way and it’s the perfect time to get those toes done. Why not get a fun floral pattern or pastel color manicure to bring some brightness to your daily life?

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