Life Lately: June 2024
June came and went in the blink of an eye! We got up to quite a bit along with a lot of garden work and time spent away from the house. We have welcomed Summer and have been enjoying lovely, sunny, and warm days! Looking forward to the warm Summer months and have actually been starting to plan Blogtober content!!! I know it’s early but it’s a lot of work and if I don’t plan early, it won’t get done! Here is what we got up to this month!

Life Lately: June 2024
Camping on Orcas Island
At the beginning of the month, Jake and I went on a camping trip with my friend and her boyfriend to celebrate her birthday! Orcas Island is part of the San Juan Islands and we took a ferry from Anacortes to get over there. We camped at this resort called Doe Bay Resort & Retreat. There were beautiful views of the water and some soaking pools we were able to book in to try out!

We explored different parts of the island and had a really nice time! We decided to head over to Friday Harbor on the way home, so we hopped on an interisland ferry to get over there. We went to Roche Harbor and explored this huge sculpture garden. Headed to a famous Light House and then headed back to Friday Harbor to catch the ferry. We had some ice cream and a dinner of some leftover camping food and hopped on the ferry back to Anacortes to head home!

Karaoke night at a local bar
Jake and I decided to go out one night to a bar near us and they were having a karaoke night! If you don’t know, I LOVE karaoke and we had the best time belting out some of our favorite hits!
Celebrating our 5th Wedding Anniversary <3
Jake and I celebrated 5 years married and 11 years together on the 15th! We started the day by heading out to a place called Biscuit Bitch for a breakfast biscuit sandwich. Then we headed to Pioneer Square to wander around for a bit and stop for a slice of pizza before heading over to Alki Beach in West Seattle. We stopped for some cider at Locust Cider. For dinner, we went to a new Indian Restaurant near our house. It was a lovely day spent together celebrating us!

It may not look like it, but the pictures above were taken on the same day!
Father’s Day
For Father’s Day we had my dad and aunt over for an early dinner and to watch the Mariners game. Jake and I made steak, mashed potatoes, green salad, and for dessert a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake! Loved spending some time with my dad and my brother!
Fremont Fair & Solstice Parade
We decided to head to the Fremont Fair and Solstice parade last weekend. It was something different that we hadn’t done together before. We met up with some friends after the parade and wandered around the craft market and looked at some cool “Art Cars!”

Dinner at Fogon on Capital Hill
After the fair, we headed up to Capital Hill and had dinner at a restaurant called Fogón. We got delicious shrimp ceviche and guacamole to start. For dinner, I got this yummy bacon-wrapped shrimp dish that came with rice and black beans, and some house-made corn tortillas!
In the Garden…
The warm weather this month has brought so much growth to the garden! My pumpkins are taking off as well as the zucchini! My peas have also exploded and we have harvested so much this month! I harvested our first strawberries and our first blueberries. The greens around the garden have loved the cooler temps but we have had some romaine bolt. I am letting them flower for more pollinator action. I did pull out my bolted radish and spinach earlier in the month. I am thinking I will be planting more lettuce to have more over the course of the Summer!

Things I am Loving at the Moment…
- House Wine Canned Brut
- 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Weist
- Grapefruit flavored sparkling water from any brand
- Rewatching Shitt$ Creek
- The lovely blooms from the garden
- Pickleball
- Fresh Fruit
- Peas from the garden!
- Homemade Seed Crackers with cheese and hummus

Blog Post to Catch Up on…
How to Make Chive Blossom Vinegar
Catch Up on YouTube…