5 Creative Hobbies to Start This Fall
When I started Learning to Bloom in 2017, I did so as a creative outlet and I have loved posting about all of my favorite things since then. We are heading into my favorite season of the year and I always feel inspired to start something new in Fall! So I thought today I would share a few ideas for creative hobbies you can start this Fall. It’s the beginning of the time of year when we start to spend more time indoors so it’s always good to have something to keep us entertained!
5 Creative Hobbies to Start This Fall
I have always loved painting but never made it something I do often. Partly because I have this perfectionist tendency which holds me back from doing it. But, if I’ve learned anything its that you need to start somewhere and nothing will ever be “perfect.” Painting can be relaxing and is perfect for the months when we spend more time indoors.

Embroidery is something I’ve always wanted to try. I love that you can add fun touches to your clothing with it or make one to frame. I hope it’s something I can try this Fall!

I’ve never felt I had an eye for photography. Admittedly most of my photos that I’ve taken for this blog are quite amateur but I love taking pictures! I want to learn more about lighting and how to use my digital camera properly. Generally, I use photo filter apps to edit my photos but I would also like to learn the basics of how to edit a photo to make it look nice. I love taking photos outside so it feels like a good excuse to get out of the house and get some fresh air and lovely photos this time of year!
Even if you don’t have a digital camera, you can learn to take better photos with your phone!

I learned to sew in my freshman year of college. As a theatre major, we were required to take basic technology classes in scenery, lighting, and costumes. I took the costume class in my second quarter and fell in love with costuming and sewing. I loved it so much that I chose my specialization at the end of that quarter and graduated 4 years later with a degree in Theatre specializing in costume design and theatre management!
Sewing machines can get expensive but there are some great options for beginners at Joann Fabrics for $150.00 or less! My machine is the one I got when I was in college from my mom and it’s still going strong. Admittedly, I haven’t used it a ton over the years but recently have used it to make cute bandana’s for my cats that I sell on Etsy now! Check out my shop here! There are so many fun things to make out there with the help of a basic sewing machine. I encourage you to try it if you’ve ever had an interest!

I’ve always wanted to get into Scrapbooking but have never found the time to get started. Fall is the perfect time to start because you have a Summer full of memories to document. We always take pictures on our phone but how many of us print the photos to enjoy later? Not many I bet, and how fun to decorate a scrapbook page and add fun notes and stickers to help you remember? I’ve been doing my life lately posts for over a year now and it’s kind of a digital scrapbook to remember but I would love a little scrapbook to look back on for years to come!

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