Blogtober,  DIY,  Halloween,  Seasonal

DIY Decor: Macrame Ghost Wall Hangings

Today is the last DIY project for Blogtober 2024 and I’m a little sad about it. I have been planning out Blogtober projects since July and am so proud that I was able to execute everything I had planned for this month! I hope you enjoyed following along and would love to know if you tried any of these projects!

This certainly is a ghostie with the mostie! How cute did this little wall hanging turn out?! I have seen macrame wall hangings as regular home decor but this idea came from where else?…Pinterest! I love how the unwinded rope fills everything in so nicely. This little guy looks adorable hanging on my wall! Check out how I made him below and let me know what you think!

DIY Decor: Macrame Ghost Wall Hangings


  • Cardboard: The flaps of cardboard boxes are perfect for this project
  • Macrame Rope: Michaels (Here) *You’ll need 4 of these bundles depending on the size of your ghost
  • Black Felt: Any craft store
  • Scissors
  • Pen
  • Hot glue & hot glue gun


  1. From the center of your cardboard piece. I cut a small slit and using a piece of string and a pen, I drew a half-moon from one side to the other. You can make your half-moon any size, mine measures 12 3/4″ across. Cut out your half-moon.
  2. Now you’ll decide how long you want your ghost to dangle from the bottom of the half-moon. I measured down 12″ for mine but you can make yours longer or shorter. Starting from the outside, hot glue your macrame rope to the cardboard. Once you’ve glued it to the other side of the half-moon, measure down the same length and cut off your rope. Repeat until the entire cardboard piece is covered with the rope.
  3. Unwind each strand of rope from the bottom to the edge of the cardboard. If it looks uneven, just give it a little trim.
  4. Using the black felt, cut out your eyes and mouth in a desired shape and hot glue them to the section of the rope that is attached to the cardboard.
  5. To make the hanger, I used a thinner style of macrame rope but jute twine would work just as well. Tie it into a loop the size and hot glue it to the back of the cardboard in the middle. Then, cover the section that you hot-glued with a small spare piece of felt. Let cool completely before you hang it up!

I’ve got a lot more coming your way for the rest of Blogtober! If you liked this post, I would love it if you shared it with someone you know would like it too! And, if you recreate it, I would love it if you tagged me so I can see your creation! You can check out previous Blogtober posts here.

Let’s be friends!

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