A Look at My 2024 Halloween Decorations
My collection of Halloween decor has grown over the years. I have loved sharing how I decorate for Halloween over the last few years here on the blog. The last few years have included a lot more handmade decor and this year we have added more yard decoration which I love! I will leave a list of my past decoration posts and I hope you enjoy how I decorated this year too!
A Look at My 2024 Halloween Decorations
Decor from years past:
How I decorate for the holidays on a budget
My 2023 Decor Videos: Decorate with me Pt 1, Decorate with me Pt 2, Halloween Decor Tour

I’ve got a lot more coming your way for the rest of Blogtober! If you liked this post, I would love it if you shared it with someone you know would like it too! And, if you recreate it, I would love it if you tagged me so I can see your creation! You can check out previous Blogtober posts here.
Let’s be friends!