Gardening Jobs for February
Well, friends, we are in the depths of Winter. Here in the PNW our highest chances of hard freezes and snow are in February. There isn’t a lot going on in the garden but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do or get started! In January, we were making sure to feed the birds, place our seed orders, make our seed starting plan, etc. In February, it’s time to start putting plans into action and ensuring the garden is prepped and ready for the growing season! Here are your gardening jobs for February!

Gardening Jobs for February
Order bare root plants – Rhubarb, Asparagus, Berries, Fruit trees
Bare root plants are dug out of the ground when they are dormant and have the soil completely removed from their roots. Local nurseries may offer pre-season sales for bare root plants so it’s a great way to save money instead of buying the already established plants later in the season. Once you receive your plants, be sure to plant them as soon as possible. Bare root plants include fruit trees, cane berries (raspberries, blackberries, currants, and gooseberries), asparagus, rhubarb, strawberries, and even onions!

Organize seed starting supplies and lighting
Seed sowing is a job that starts this month so it’s best to make sure your supplies are all organized and set up for you to begin. If you have a shelf that you set your trays on, make sure it’s set up. Set up your lights, get out your heating mats, etc.
Begin seed sowing
It’s time to start sowing! This is when a seed starting plan comes in handy. I know exactly what I am starting and where for the entire month. Most of the seeds this month will be started indoors but towards the end of February, I’ll be sowing a few of my first outdoor seeds! For February, I am starting leeks, bunching onions, bulbing fennel, sweet peas, rudbeckia, delphinium, and gazania indoors. And, towards the end of the month, I will be sowing my carrots, radishes, and beets outdoors!

Finish up Winter pruning chores
February is your last chance to get those Winter pruning chores done! It’s optimal before those plants begin putting on new growth!
Double-check your raised beds or build your new ones
If you’re starting your garden this year, February is the perfect time to get those raised beds built and filled. If you already have raised beds, now is the time to check them and mend anything that needs mending and making sure everything is ready for the busy growing months ahead. One of my raised beds needs mending on one side so I will be making sure to get that fixed this month since we are not ready to completely rip it all out and redesign the garden.

Stock up on organic soil amendments
February is a great month to stock up on the soil amendments that you’ll be adding to your garden beds come March!