Fitness,  Life,  Winter

How to Stay Active During Winter without the Gym

This time of year, it is instinctual to want to hibernate. While I agree with prioritizing rest in Winter, too much can make me feel stir-crazy! For some reason, this time of year also makes me not want to go to the gym. So, instead of forcing myself to go to the gym, I like to find different ways to stay active that don’t involve going to the gym. Today I want to share with you 6 different ways that you can stay active this time of year without a trip to the gym!

How to Stay Active During Winter without the Gym

I think it’s also important to not put so much pressure on yourself this time of year. I get the urge to set goals at the New Year but putting extra pressure on yourself never helps when developing better habits with your fitness. Something else I have worked on is reframing what I think exercise is and how you do it. A long day in the garden can get my heart rate up just as much as a weightlifting session in the gym! However I can move my body, especially this time of year, works just great for me!

Daily Walks

I have been walking almost daily for the last few years. My morning walk has been my favorite way to start my day. It gives me a chance to get outside first thing, rain or shine, and the fresh air does my body good. It’s the perfect way to wake up naturally. I was listening to The Wellness Scoop podcast this morning and they discussed the TikTok trend the “hot girl walk.” Basically, it’s about getting out for a walk and putting on something inspiring to listen to. That’s a trend I can get behind even if I find the name cringey!

What I’ve been doing to make my walks more challenging recently is adding some weight to a backpack and walking with that. They call it Rucking and there are numerous benefits! The weighted backpack adds a bit more of a challenge and I love the low-impact cardio exercise that I get when I do it!

Winter Sports

Admittedly, I am not much of a Winter Sports kind of gal. I do love getting out in the snow at least once a year. If you love skiing and snowboarding, this one is for you! What a fun way to get out of the house and get active in such a beautiful setting! Jake and I went snowshoeing at Lake Louise once and boy what a workout! It was lovely to walk through the snowy forest and our legs were feeling it! I think I would also like to try cross-country skiing in the future.

Early Spring Cleaning

You may not think it but deep cleaning can really get the heart pumping! Don’t underestimate the power of a good house clean. Running the vacuum throughout the house, cleaning out the fridge or pantry, scrubbing the bathroom…after a day of that you’ll feel exhausted and accomplished! This time of year is the perfect time to declutter and refresh your house. Why not start your Spring cleaning early?

At Home Workouts

I have always loved doing at home workouts! I have books from creators that I follow with tons of workout inspo. You can find so many fun workouts on YouTube as well!


Stretching is something that I have been meaning to add to my routine. It’s so good for you. I plan on following stretching routines on YouTube and aiming to do it for 5-10 minutes a day!

Garden Projects/Jobs

It’s not yet mowing season but working in the garden is one of my favorite ways to stay active! You may not think it but tons of jobs and projects can be done out in the garden this time of year. Obviously, we’re really lucky for mild Winters here in the PNW but even shoveling snow or walking around the garden in the snow can be a workout! In the garden you’re constantly moving around, squatting and bending over. It’s a good idea to stretch before a day in the garden. The mixture of being outside and moving around always puts me in the best mood!

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