
A Late Winter Garden Tour

As I type this, Spring is a mere 17 days away! I love sharing garden tours as kind of a garden journal that I can look back on at different points of the year. It helps me make notes of what the weather was like, how early or late things are growing or blooming, and just a look back to see what things were like in general! This is a late Winter garden tour of my backyard, and I know that so much is going to start to change in the next few weeks, and I couldn’t be more excited and ready for it!

A Late Winter Garden Tour

This time of year in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), my garden is generally just wet and green. We’ve had quite a mild Winter here so it feels like things like my hyacinth and crocus have come up earlier than usual. But the crocuses have added some beautiful color to the very green landscape! We’ve also got peonies, lupine, poppies, daffodils, and muscari coming up at various spots of the landscape! The helabore that I planted last year has flowered for the first time and I’ve gotten my first viola blooming in a hanging basket!

Excitingly, there are little buds on my blueberry plants as well as the hydrangea bush on the side of the house! I’ve gotten my birdhouses moved around and mounted in their new spots too! I’m hoping the birds start their nests in those soon!

There is still so much to get cleaned up and weeded, but at the moment, that’s lower on my list of priorities. I’ve been seed-starting like crazy and am so excited about what we’re going to be growing this year! Currently, in the raised beds, I have some Swiss chard, cabbage, kale, and broccoli growing. The frost in early February took out my parsley and the calendula as well. I’ve seen signs of my chives coming in as well, which excites me so much!

Everything is still quite dormant, but I know in the next few weeks that is going to change! Spring is right around the corner, and I am looking forward to warmer weather, more light in the evenings, and plants coming to life out in the garden!

Let’s be friends!

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