Life,  Life Lately

Life Lately: February 2025

What a month, and I don’t mean in a good way. February has been one of the hardest months I have had in a really long time. My health hasn’t been great and I have found it very difficult to do much of anything. There are some lovely highlights but for the most part I am writing this month off. Every month can’t be great but I wasn’t expecting what happened and it’s been hard on my mental health. Here’s what happened this month.

Life Lately: February 2025

Snow Days

At the beginning of the month, we had a few snow days. I am only a fan of snow when I don’t have anywhere I need to be and as long as it goes away quickly. This snow stuck around for a bit as we had some cold weather afterward. But, everything looks so beautiful in the snow so I didn’t mind it as much this time!

Visiting the Fauntleroy Troll

Jake and I love to take longer walks on the weekends and this month we decided to go in search of one of the Thomas Dambo NW Trolls! This is the one in West Seattle! It was so much fun to see one up close and now I want to go see the others! I highly recommend checking them out!

Making Sourdough Bread

My sourdough starter finally passed the float test after a few weeks of getting her started! I was so ready to bake! I knew that sourdough is a long process to bake with but I wasn’t expecting how long it would actually take to get a loaf of bread in the oven! Now, I am on the hunt for a simpler method but the loaves I made were delicious and disappeared within days! I can’t wait to bake more with my starter and discard. I found this delicious cracker recipe for the discard!

Health Stuff

At the beginning of the month, I began to have dizzy spells. One Sunday afternoon, I started to get dizzy every time I got up off the couch, and by the time the evening rolled around, the room was spinning. I was able to get to bed and, after being sick a few times was able to sleep and I woke up the next morning feeling normal with no dizziness. I thought that was the last of it.

Then, on the following Friday evening, the room started spinning again. This time was different; it never let up, and I was up most of the night, getting sick and barely sleeping. I spent the next day in urgent care and the ER. They did a CT and MRI of my neck and head, and after 5 hours in the ER, they sent me home with a motion sickness prescription and no answers as to why this could be happening, except that it was likely an inner ear “thing.”

It’s the end of the month now, and I still don’t feel 100% right. I just got over a horrendous cold, so I am ready for things to get back to normal. It’s an important reminder never to take your health for granted.

In the Garden…

The garden has officially started to wake up! I’ve got so many beautiful crocuses coming up and blooming everywhere. We’ve had some sunny and warm days this week, and the crocuses are putting on a show! I’ve even got some hellebores blooming for the first time which excites me so much! I see my chives starting to break through the ground, as well as my peonies. The snow and frost this month finished off my parsley and calendula plants, but my kale, broccoli, cabbage, and Swiss chard are still going strong! I’ve got lots of work to do out there to get ready for outdoor sowing, so hopefully, we’ll have some beautiful March days ahead to do so!

I’ve also started sowing seeds indoors! Because I have been sick I haven’t done as many as I would have liked but that’s going to change here this week! I have got a whole new indoor grow light situation going and I can’t wait to fill up my new shelf with trays of seeds!

Things I’m Loving at the Moment…

  • Current Read: The Wedding People by Alison Espach
  • Harvesting microgreens and garnishing various dishes
  • Watching my sourdough starter start to become visually active
  • Finally baking with my sourdough starter
  • Finding uses for my sourdough discard
  • Watching nostalgic movies: Empire Records, Now and Then, Pearl Harbor, Chocolat, Fantastic Beasts
  • Homemade oatmeal cookies

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