My fitness journey, workouts I am trying, workout routines
How to Stay Active During Winter without the Gym
The urge to hibernate this time of year is real! Here are some activities you can do to stay active in Winter that don't involve going to the gym!
4 Reasons I Take A Walk Most Days
I have been taking walks almost daily for the last few years. It is one of the best things I have done for my health. Here is why you should consider more daily walks!
My Current Fitness Inspiration
I have always had a difficult time sticking to a fitness plan. I have tried several workout programs and some of them I have completed and others didn’t keep my interest peaked enough for me to finish. In the past I have gotten into habits of doing the same types of workouts day after day and would ultimately get discouraged and bored which would then lead me to quit my “plan.” After quitting (again) it would be anywhere from days to weeks until my next workout. If there’s one thing I have learned after starting and stopping so much, it’s that starting up again after not moving your body for…
My Workout Diary
From week to week my workouts change. I used to be able to do the same routine every week but after a while it got really old. Currently, my only “scheduled” workouts are my Wednesday night spin class and my Saturday morning walks with my dad. I always enjoy watching videos that show someone’s weekly workout routines and what not so I thought it would be fun to keep a workout diary of my own to share with you guys! The week that I documented, all I seemed to want to do is cardio. I will be the first to admit that I have zero confidence in the weight lifting…
Body Boss Program So Far
At the beginning of this year I did the 21 Day Fix workout program from Beachbody. Once I finished I still found it hard to workout without a set program. I have mentioned before that I always feel lost at the gym. The only thing I feel like I have down when I am there is cardio. When it comes to weightlifting I get a deer in the headlights look and don’t really know where to start. I began taking attending a few classes during the week after work and really began to enjoy exercises that combined cardio and body weight training. I added some different types of cardio a…
Getting Back On Track After Vacation
After a much needed break from real life it feels really great to be back and creating new content for my little corner of the internet! Our 3 1/2 week European vacation and the sweetest and most romantic marriage proposal 🙂 was just what I needed to recharge my batteries and get excited and motivated to make positive changes in my life. Before we left for vacation I was not eating as well as I would have liked and I had not worked out consistently for quite some time. I was not feeling good about myself which didn’t help in the motivation department. Of course while on vacation I didn’t…
5 Tips For Starting A Healthy Lifestyle
Sometimes the idea of losing weight or making the transition to a healthier lifestyle can feel really overwhelming. I get it. There is tons of information to sift through and most of it contradicts the others. They always say to try things out until you find something that works for you but where on earth should you start?! One thing that I tell myself when I start to get that overwhelming feeling is that I don’t have make every change I want to make all at once and also that the changes I want to make don’t need to be huge. Sometimes, the simple and small changes are the ones…
How I Schedule My Workouts
It’s no secret that this year I have focused a lot on my exercising habits. It’s also no secret that I have struggled a lot in the past to remain consistent with my workout schedule. Like I discussed in my finding your exercise and sticking to it post I need variety in my routine to keep me interested and sometimes I get overwhelmed with how much I like to do to exercise that it helps for me to plan week by week what I want to do. I also find that scheduling my workouts in my planner is like scheduling an appointment with myself in there. I find that I am…
Finding Your Exercise and Sticking to it
Over the years I have tried a ton of different types of exercise. I have tried everything from swimming, dance aerobics, yoga, Zumba (I have absolutely no rhythm), hiking, at home workout videos, and then there was that time I considered myself to be a runner which was short lived. Something that I have learned along the way is that variety and consistency go hand in hand, at least for me! I know that in order for me to stay consistent with my workouts, I absolutely must have variety. In fact, if I could give one piece of advice to someone who is trying to find an exercise program…