Life Lately
Monthly life updates including what's going on in the garden, what I am loving, blog posts to catch up on, and Youtube videos to catch up on!
5 Things In September
It certainly has been a long time since I have posted in this space. The process of planning our wedding took a lot of time and energy and it was just easier to focus on that for the time being. Since getting back from our honeymoon we’ve been settling into married life which is very similar to our pre-married life except I get to call Jake my husband in conversations with others! I will be honest though, I have been suffering from the post-wedding blues and have found it difficult to motivate myself back into any sort of routine be in posting to my blog, exercising or consistently packing my…
5 Things in October
Back in April, I wanted to start a sort of monthly gratitude post and I only posted that month. I think it’s important, especially since I have anxiety, to take the time to write down the good things I have going on in my life. This is so that when I’m having doubts and worries and feeling overwhelmed about how my life is going, I have written examples as a reminder that there is a lot of good. Here’s what I got up to over the last month. Jake’s birthday was at the very beginning of the month. In the morning we decided to take a walk through the woods on…
5 Things In April
When I first started this blog I was trying to do a favorites post once a month. My life at the moment doesn’t really allow a lot of time to try different products and I NEVER can seem to remember to write down things that I am using consistently. One thing though that I can look back on at the end of the month is memories that have been made or things that helped make the month that much better. And so the idea for another monthly post was born called “5 Things In…” Just as the title suggests, I am looking back on the past month and picking 5…