Talks about body image, wellness tips and tricks, goal setting, self-care, my journey and other life bits
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
Usually I don’t consider myself great at reviewing books but there are times when I can’t get a book out of my head and I have to tell people about it and The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins is one of those books! One of my goals this year is to read a book a month and my pick for February did not disappoint! I also am very aware that I am probably late to this party but it’s better late than never! And since I am not good at giving a synopsis, I borrowed this from the author’s website: EVERY DAY THE SAME Rachel takes the same commuter…
How to Stay Motivated — Finding Inspiration
There are some days where I find it really hard to get my butt in gear and get a workout in, other days I can’t be bothered to pack my lunch for the next day or any healthy snacks and I end up ordering something to go that is marginally less good for me. Some days I feel like my life is never going to go anywhere (melodramatic much?!). There was a time that I would let these days turn into a week and sometimes…months (eek!). My motivation was extremely lacking and as the days went by I would get more and more hopeless because obviously I was so far gone…
2017 Goals
I know it’s no longer January (we’re actually in the third month of the year) but I don’t see anything wrong with reminding myself frequently of the goals I have set for myself this year. Like the majority of people who set resolutions for themselves, I have found it difficult in years past to stick to them. I have been very good at setting vague resolutions with no real way to measure success or failure and eventually I just put them to the wayside and forget about them completely. This year I have tried setting measurable goals in an attempt to motivate myself to stick with it and work hard…
Hello world!!!
Where do I start? I think I’ve been planning a blog like this for the last 3 or 4 years. I have been reading blogs for what feels like forever and it has always been something I have wanted to do myself. By day I am a Customer Service-Receptionist for a reputable shipping company and by night I plan to share all the things that make me happy in my new little corner of the internet. Learning to Bloom is a lifestyle blog and will cover topics like my health and fitness journey, navigating my kitchen to make yummy healthy (sometimes not) recipes, harnessing my creativity into some DIY projects,…