Personal Development
10 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life
Stress management is so important for our brain health and overall wellbeing. Today I am sharing 10 ways that you can reduce stress in your life!
20 Journal Prompts for Winter
Are you having trouble journaling or even starting your journal practice? Here are 20 prompts to get you through the Winter months!
My Goals for the New Year
Happy New Year! Today I am going through my approach to goal setting this year and what my focus will be this coming year!
3 Goals for December 2022
December is one of my favorite months of the year! There is something so warm a fuzzy about it! Here are 3 goals I am setting for myself for December!
3 Goals for November 2022
Happy November! Every month I set 3 simple and attainable goals for myself to help with my confidence! Here are the three for November!
15 Journal Prompts for Fall
Want to start journaling but don't know what to write about? Try one of these journal prompts to help you focus and get started!
My Morning Routine: Creating Intention
In order to combat my anxiety, I created a morning routine full of mindful habits! Check out my routine for some inspiration on intentional living!
My Top 5 Favorite Personal Development Books
I have loved the topic of personal development since I started getting really into it back in 2016. My favorite way to digest personal development information is to read and I have read some really amazing books over the years! All the way back at the beginning of this blog I wrote about my favorite motivational and transformative books here, two of which you will see on this list as they still have such a special place in my heart. 5 Transformative Personal Development Books 1. Girl on Fire by Cara Alwill Honestly, this woman is the queen of personal development for me! I am pretty sure her content is…
How to Start Your Journal Practice this Fall
Since I was young, I have had a journal to write my deepest inner thoughts in. I used to fill my journals with my day-to-day life and who the cutest boy in school was, what was going on with my friend group, and the occasional gripe about something going on in my family. I used to pretend I was Harriett the Spy and people watch making note of their diverse personality traits or what was possibly going on in their life at that moment. There were entries about heartbreak when a crush didn’t work out or when I was having problems with a friend. I have an entry that I…
5 Simple Ways I am Putting Myself First to Kickoff 2022
When I decided to make 2022 the year of getting to know myself again and putting myself first, I thought of small things I could do to start the year on the right foot. Things that will bring me joy and make me feel like a goddess. Identifying ways to raise your vibration that you can apply to your life today will help get the ball rolling to a more confident and self-assured future for yourself! 1. Purchase new bras I am kind of embarrassed to admit that I rotate between three bras and have had said bras for over 2 years now. They are stretched out, the fabric is…