Pantry Staples
There are certain things that we always have in our pantry. They are go to items or items that we use quite often. When I get around to meal planning I always know that we have these things or it’s something we need to pick up and a lot of it lasts longer than the week. What are your pantry staples? Muesli- This is actually a relatively new addition to our pantry staples but I love it. I eat it with milk, or over some yogurt with fresh berries. Nuts, seeds, and dried fruits- These make great snacks and are also great yogurt toppings. The nuts we usually get are…
Meal Planning for Beginners from a Beginner
I’m not good at meal planning consistently. I will plan one week and then totally drop the ball and plan absolutely nothing for the next week. Sometimes I feel like it’s easier to go to the grocery store and purchase things that we eat on a regular basis and throw them together during the week. While that is the easier option it can get really repetitive and if you get bored with what you are eating at home you are more likely to get takeout or opt for a less healthy option. It motivates me to eat better when I know that I have all the ingredients in my kitchen…
The Beauty of Unplugging
Last week I posted about five things I am trying to do in the evenings and I touched a little bit on unplugging at 9pm in the evenings. I have been trying this out for a little while now and when I think about how beneficial it has been for me I decided it was good enough to share on the blog! Defining what it means to unplug may be different for different people. To me, unplugging not only means powering down my electronics it means giving myself a break from social media. I don’t know about you but I have caught myself scrolling for hours and checking my Facebook…
Our Garden 2017
Some of my fondest memories as a kid were spent out in the backyard helping my dad with the garden during the spring and summer months. My dad has quite the green thumb and his gardens have gotten better and better each year. Since I was young I have always dreamed about growing my own vegetables when I was lucky enough to have my own house. Years later and here we are. I am still learning a lot about gardening and we have two small raised beds and I think it’s a great place to start. I have also branched out to growing things in pots as well. To me,…
Rosemary Chicken Salad
We have rosemary growing in our garden year round. I love having access to fresh herbs in my backyard and if you don’t have any growing I highly recommend that you just try it! You really won’t regret it! I got the idea for this chicken salad from a blog post I read a long time ago. I really like the idea of taking recipes that tend to be really heavy and lightening them up a bit. The ingredients are really simple and I had most of them in my kitchen. It’s easy to make which means it’s great for weekly meal prep. I don’t measure when I make this…
Five Things I’m Trying To Do In The Evenings
I can’t count the number of times I have opted for takeout because it was too late to cook dinner (translation: I was too lazy to cook), have spent hours watching video after video on YouTube falling down the click bait rabbit hole until I finally realize that hours have passed, or went to bed without washing my face. We’ve all been guilty of it at one time or another. I realized though that those evening hours are precious and that I wanted to make better use of my time by making small changes that were easy to stick to. 1. The first thing is to unplug at 9:00 pm.…
Finding Balance
It seems to be the thing that most people struggle with the most. That balance between your professional life and your personal life. Are you dedicating enough time to that work project and then at the same time are you spending enough time with your friends and family and then again are you taking enough time for yourself? It’s hard but its absolutely necessary to figure out for your happiness and well-being. Balance is still something I struggle with. Honestly I know that I have neglected some of my closest friendships in the past few years, I haven’t seen or talked to my sweet grandpa in months, and with my…
How I Schedule My Workouts
It’s no secret that this year I have focused a lot on my exercising habits. It’s also no secret that I have struggled a lot in the past to remain consistent with my workout schedule. Like I discussed in my finding your exercise and sticking to it post I need variety in my routine to keep me interested and sometimes I get overwhelmed with how much I like to do to exercise that it helps for me to plan week by week what I want to do. I also find that scheduling my workouts in my planner is like scheduling an appointment with myself in there. I find that I am…
Homemade Granola
One of my favorite ways to jazz up a bowl of creamy Greek yogurt is to add some fruit and a crunchy sweet granola. I’ve tried a lot of different kinds of granola from the store but the thing that kept nagging me was the amount of sugar that is added to the store brands. A while back I decided to make my own and you would not believe how easy it is to do! I like that I can make a huge batch and have it prepped for the whole week and I get to control how much sugar is added. This granola is tasty and filling. Have it…
My Wellness Contract
Since I turned 30 on Friday I thought it would be a good idea to look at my health, fitness, and wellness goals a bit more closely and sort of refresh them. I revised some, I removed some that I found I wasn’t really focusing on that much or I felt like I was at a good place with them, and I also added some new ones to begin to work towards. I got the idea of a wellness contract from a blog called Little Coffee Fox. She wrote out her wellness contract in her bullet journal and I thought since I only have my habit tracker in there right…