5 Things in November 2022
Here are my 5 highlights from the month of November 2022! This is my way of practicing gratitude for my life no matter the occassion!
5 Things in October 2022
I am bringing back my 5 Things Posts! 5 Things is my monthly recap that I use as kind of a diary to document memories and to practice gratitude!
5 Things in January
January officially feels like the longest month of the ENTIRE year. As I am posting this there is still 2 days left in the month! Personally, the pace of life has slowed down this month which was needed because work has been crazy busy and I also have been battling a cold in the last week but this month has had so many great things for me to look back on and I am excited to share them today! Epic Star Wars Marathon Jake and I started the year off by watching all the Star Wars films. Starting with the original episodes 4-6, then 1-3 and finally we watched 7…
5 Things in December & 2019 Reflections
Here we are again at the end of another year. The end of a decade and the very beginning of another. December, like every other month this whole year it seems, has flown by. This is my favorite time of the year. The coziness levels are high (I’m actually writing this curled up on the couch with a cup of tea while watching a Christmas movie), the decorations are on point, and the festive atmosphere is so comforting. Here are the things that I have loved in the month of December! Watching Christmas Movies In the evenings on the run-up to Christmas in December, you can find me cozy on…
5 Things In November
December is finally here and what better way to kick off the month than recapping what we got up to and what I’ve been loving in the month of November?! Our NYC Trip At the beginning of the month, we took off back East to visit The Big Apple! It was both our first time visiting the city and we both LOVED every minute of the trip! We stayed in Mid-town Manhattan which was probably the best place to stay as it was in the centralized location where we could get to all the attractions we wanted to see. We also utilized the subway quite a bit which made getting…
5 Things In October
I can’t believe how fast October came and went! I love the cooler temps, fall colors, and fun Halloween decorations! It was a busy month filled with a birthday, a baby shower, and lots of fun get-togethers with friends. Here are a few highlights from our October! Jake’s Birthday Jake’s birthday was at the beginning of the month and this year I decided to gift him with some experiences. On Friday night we went on a dinner and movie date. We went to a wine bar for dinner then watched The Joker starring Joaquin Phoenix. On Saturday, we went and played mini-golf at a place near our house and then…
5 Things In September
It certainly has been a long time since I have posted in this space. The process of planning our wedding took a lot of time and energy and it was just easier to focus on that for the time being. Since getting back from our honeymoon we’ve been settling into married life which is very similar to our pre-married life except I get to call Jake my husband in conversations with others! I will be honest though, I have been suffering from the post-wedding blues and have found it difficult to motivate myself back into any sort of routine be in posting to my blog, exercising or consistently packing my…