• Life,  Life Lately

    5 Things in January

    January officially feels like the longest month of the ENTIRE year. As I am posting this there is still 2 days left in the month! Personally, the pace of life has slowed down this month which was needed because work has been crazy busy and I also have been battling a cold in the last week but this month has had so many great things for me to look back on and I am excited to share them today! Epic Star Wars Marathon Jake and I started the year off by watching all the Star Wars films. Starting with the original episodes 4-6, then 1-3 and finally we watched 7…

  • Life

    My Simple 2019 Bullet Journal Planner Spread

    Buying a new planner has always been one of my favorite new year traditions. I love flipping through a newly purchased planner and adding my important dates but a lot of times I find either the planner doesn’t have exactly what I need or it has way more than what I need. This year I decided that instead of shelling out the dough for a new planner, I would bust out a bullet journal that I bought over a year ago and create my own. The time is takes to do this may seem a bit overkill but this planner layout I have created for myself is simple and functional.…