• Food,  Life

    Another Honest Food Diary

    Last week I shared a new approach I am trying to my life. One huge hurdle I want to overcome is my negative relationship with food. I have been so focused on restricting myself and implementing impossible rules just to turn around and a few days later (in some cases the same day) after a junk food binge hating myself because I can’t understand why I don’t have the will power to stick to my plan. The truth is, I have stopped listening to my body and I’ve been trying to force her to do things she clearly doesn’t want to do. I need to strip things way back to…

  • Food

    5 Lessons From An Honest Food Diary

    Sometimes we can be in denial about the food choices we make and even how much food we consume on a given day. I kept a food diary for a few weeks and some glaring bad habits stood out. I have never been one to count calories or keep a detailed account of every single thing I am putting in my body but keeping this diary has really opened my eyes to what exactly I have been putting into my body and just how much too! The truth is sometimes hard to swallow (pun intended!) but it’s absolutely necessary to help you see where you may be falling short. Here…