• Life

    Is it Possible You’re Getting Too Much Self-Help Advice?

    For quite a while now, I have been on my own personal development journey. I have devoured books, articles, and podcasts on the areas of personal development that interest me. I have tried to curate my social media feeds to include as many inspiring people as I can. But there have been times when I have felt overwhelmed, not knowing what I should do first and that’s usually when my motivation tanks. How is it possible to feel like this when I have curated my feeds to give me all thing inspirational content? Is it really possible to get too much self-help and personal development advice? My short answer is…

  • Life,  Style

    Blogs I am Loving

    While we’ve been in lockdown, I have fallen back in love with reading blogs! Blogs have always been a source of inspiration for me and are of course what influenced me into wanting to start a blog of my own! Here are the ones I have been loving recently! 1.      Jojotastic – This is a recent discovery. She is a Seattle based lifestyle blogger and I LOVE her decorating style! 2.      Wit & Delight – This feels like such a grown-up blog. The topics discussed range from career development, interiors & décor, to food & entertainment, and more! I find the articles very insightful and enjoyable! 3.      The Every Girl – This is…

  • Fitness

    My Current Fitness Inspiration

    I have always had a difficult time sticking to a fitness plan. I have tried several workout programs and some of them I have completed and others didn’t keep my interest peaked enough for me to finish. In the past I have gotten into habits of doing the same types of workouts day after day and would ultimately get discouraged and bored which would then lead me to quit my “plan.” After quitting (again) it would be anywhere from days to weeks until my next workout. If there’s one thing I have learned after starting and stopping so much, it’s that starting up again after not moving your body for…

  • Fitness

    My Workout Diary

    From week to week my workouts change. I used to be able to do the same routine every week but after a while it got really old. Currently, my only “scheduled” workouts are my Wednesday night spin class and my Saturday morning walks with my dad. I always enjoy watching videos that show someone’s weekly workout routines and what not so I thought it would be fun to keep a workout diary of my own to share with you guys! The week that I documented, all I seemed to want to do is cardio. I will be the first to admit that I have zero confidence in the weight lifting…

  • Books,  Life

    Books I’ve Read Recently

    I feel like I go through phases with the material that I read. At one point I was devouring audiobook after audiobook of wonderful fiction and I felt like I would never get enough of it. Lately though my interest has shifted to personal development and I have been reading quite a bit lately. Along with listening to tons of podcast episodes I have been looking for inspiration on my bookshelf. Over the last year I have bought so many personal development books on Amazon and I decided to start reading them to see what kind of collection I have built up. I have definitely not been disappointed! Here are a…

  • Life

    Inspiring Podcasts I Am Loving

    A few weeks ago I downloaded an app on my phone called Castbox and I have been devouring podcast episode after episode. I feel like I have tapped into such a vast source of information, inspiration, comedy, and advice. Check out some of the ones I’ve been listening to non stop! Fit & Fearless Ctrl Alt Delete Style Your Mind The Heart Of It Magic Lessons  

  • Life

    Blogs That Keep Me Inspired

    When I am feeling uninspired there are certain blogs that I gravitate towards to help get me out of a creative rut. I love scrolling back and reading their older posts or posts that I have read and reread tons of times. It feels like a breath of fresh air read the content these ladies write and I hope you love them as much as I do! The Anna Edit Carly Rowena In The Frow Half Baked Harvest Poppy Deyes How Sweet It Is Niomi Smart Estee Lalonde