20 Journal Prompts for Winter
Are you having trouble journaling or even starting your journal practice? Here are 20 prompts to get you through the Winter months!
15 Journal Prompts for Fall
Want to start journaling but don't know what to write about? Try one of these journal prompts to help you focus and get started!
How to Start Your Journal Practice this Fall
Since I was young, I have had a journal to write my deepest inner thoughts in. I used to fill my journals with my day-to-day life and who the cutest boy in school was, what was going on with my friend group, and the occasional gripe about something going on in my family. I used to pretend I was Harriett the Spy and people watch making note of their diverse personality traits or what was possibly going on in their life at that moment. There were entries about heartbreak when a crush didn’t work out or when I was having problems with a friend. I have an entry that I…
3 Goals for April
Hi there! I took another hiatus for personal reasons at the end of February and all of March but I am back for April with fresh new content and a new posting schedule! My new schedule will be every Monday and Friday and I hope, an increase in some Insta-content in between! Back in February, I set myself three attainable goals for the month. They were simple and I was able to achieve them by making small changes to my routine and I would consider the month a success! I enjoyed myself so much I decided to set 3 more goals for April! 1. JOURNAL AT LEAST 4 TIMES PER…
5 Lessons From An Honest Food Diary
Sometimes we can be in denial about the food choices we make and even how much food we consume on a given day. I kept a food diary for a few weeks and some glaring bad habits stood out. I have never been one to count calories or keep a detailed account of every single thing I am putting in my body but keeping this diary has really opened my eyes to what exactly I have been putting into my body and just how much too! The truth is sometimes hard to swallow (pun intended!) but it’s absolutely necessary to help you see where you may be falling short. Here…