• Life

    The Future You

    What does your ideal life look like? One topic brought up in The Goddess Revolution discusses the β€œfuture you.” Ask yourself this, what would you do for your mind and your body each day or each week if money were no object and time wasn’t an issue? What would an ideal day in the life of the future you look like? I am almost certain that at one point or another we all have thought to ourselves…I want this to be different in the future. One of the things I think about the most and day dream about is what I want my life to be like. When I began…

  • Life,  Self Care

    A New Approach

    A few weeks ago I read a wonderful book called The Goddess Revolution by Mel Wells. The book discusses getting out of the diet culture mindset and learning to listen to your body and get in tune with what it really needs. It gives you the tools you need to end the war you are in with your body to become comfortable in your own skin and embrace a fulfilling life free from rules, fad diets, and negative feelings regarding food, your weight, and your body. After finishing the book I realized how long I have based much of my happiness and self worth on the size of my body…

  • Books,  Life

    Books I’ve Read Recently

    I feel like I go through phases with the material that I read. At one point I was devouring audiobook after audiobook of wonderful fiction and I felt like I would never get enough of it. Lately though my interest has shifted to personal development and I have been reading quite a bit lately. Along with listening to tons of podcast episodes I have been looking for inspiration on my bookshelf. Over the last year I have bought so many personal development books on Amazon and I decided to start reading them to see what kind of collection I have built up. I have definitely not been disappointed! Here are a…