Life,  Self Care

How to Create Your Own Self Care Routine

It should come as no surprise by now that self-care is really important to me. It is something that I have focused a lot of my attention on over the last year and something that I think is vital to your well-being. The great thing about self-care is that it is completely different for every person and each routine is totally unique to their interests and needs. One person may love to go for long runs a few times a week and another may like to take short walks in the evening after dinner. Whatever it is, making sure we schedule time for ourselves during the week should be a priority for everyone.

Maybe you don’t know where to start in creating a routine for yourself, or you think you’re too busy. I get it, I have been there and know all too well how we let other tasks take priority over our well-being. I’m here to help by giving you a few tips and tricks to get you started on creating a routine and setting you on a path to a healthier and happier you!

  1. Make a list of the activities that you love, make a list of the activities that help you relax. Could these be things you can see yourself incorporating into your weekly schedule? Make a list of habits you want to develop or maybe some others that you wish to break because they are not serving you.
  2. Look at your schedule for the week and look for free time. If you don’t think you have free time, try and think about how much time you spend scrolling through your phone in the evenings or on a break.
  3. Write it in your planner – schedule yourself in and don’t break the date.
  4. Treat yourself – you are allowed to be extravagant sometimes. Go buy a special bath bomb from Lush or have some champagne.


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