How I Am Going To Show Up For Myself This Year
Last year around this time I wrote about why you don’t need a new you. It is still so relevant to my life, choosing to accept myself as I am is a decision that I need to make every single day and there are still a lot of days that my anxiety and inner negative nelly win. This year I wanted to share how I am planning on showing up for and prioritizing myself. By practicing these things I hope that my confidence will grow, that my inner demons will be silenced, and most of all that the decision to choose myself becomes easier and that those days become greater in number.
1. Practice gratitude as often as possible
I have a notebook next to my bed that has been dubbed the gratitude notebook. My aim is to develop the habit of writing down at least one thing I am grateful for each day. I also want to share more gratitude over on my Instagram account as well. I feel like sharing more of this will help combat the urge to compare myself to others on the platform.
2. Follow through
I don’t know about you, but I am so guilty of making plans to work out or meal prep and then the time comes to do it and I just don’t follow through on my plan. This has set the precedent that my plans are not worth the time, that my wellbeing is not worth the time, that I am not worth prioritizing. I want to flip the script this year and put myself first!
3. Take time out for me
As much as I love spending time with my husband, I really want to take some time for myself at least once a week. Time to read or work on this blog or work on my business or take a relaxing bath. Just some time to center myself and be alone with my thoughts.
All of this is to say that making myself a priority is going to be a main focus of mine this coming year! I am going to take care of myself, mentally, physically, and emotionally. It seems so simple but it’s something that I have been struggling with for a long time!
How are you going to show up for yourself this year?