Goal Setting,  Life,  Personal Development

My Goals for the New Year

Over the years I have tried many different methods of goal setting. There were a few years that I didn’t even set any resolutions or goals! I have gone through periods where I set 3 small goals a month and then periods where I didn’t because I felt like I was just setting the same goals over and over again. In 2022, I tried a word for the year which was fun but kind of open-ended. I also have a bad habit of setting goals and not revisiting them until the next year when I am setting new goals again.

This year I am approaching things in a bit of a different way. I’ll share my intentions and goals and how I am going to try and keep track of them throughout 2024!

My Goals for the New Year

This year, I have my goals page in my notion and I have them on a large piece of paper posted at my desk so every time I sit at my computer I can see them! On the piece of paper, I have not called them “goals” which seems kind of silly I know. But sometimes the word “goal” can feel overwhelming especially if you’re having a rough day. Instead, it says “2024 Focus” and it’s split into 5 categories: Garden, Cooking/Diet, Home, Personal/Mindset, and Income/Business. It feels less daunting to ask myself if my focus is where it needs to be and pivot if I need to.

Some of the items on my list feel more like goals and some feel more like intentions and how I would like to feel. A lot of learning in my year ahead and that excites me! Except for reducing my Diet Coke consumption, everything is about adding to my life instead of subtracting. I spoke about this last year when talking about healthy habits to add in the new year.

I also intend on doing a quarterly update here on the blog for accountability. Some of the goals are more personal so they won’t be shared on here but I have Quarterly Update pages in notion for complete notes for myself. If you’re anything like me, I love getting caught up on people’s goal updates so I hope you’ll follow along!

2024 Focus Areas


Last year my garden was so abundant and that’s because I spent the off-season learning and planning. That is exactly what I am doing this Winter as well and I want even more ABUNDANCE this summer!

  • Grow my own pumpkins for Fall decor
  • Learn how to make compost
  • Take more notes, photos, and video
  • Learn different ways to preserve
  • Learn more about soil health & get our soil tested
  • Update our raised beds
  • Laydown weed fabric underneath the slate paths


I am not about diets at all but I do want to up my nutrition this year!

  • Eat more seasonally –
  • Utilize my garden produce in new ways
  • Eat more plants
  • Cook more from scratch
  • Master meal planning to save us money
  • Be more consistent with drinking water
  • Reduce Diet Coke consumption


We have lived in this house for quite a few years now and there isn’t a lot on the walls or decor to speak of. I want to make our house feel like a home and give it a little more character this year.

  • Decorate on a budget – DIY projects
  • Reorganize our pantry
  • Clean out and reorganize the closet under the stairs
  • Keep a tidy home
  • Bring in more natural elements
  • Keep it cozy


This is the category that has a few very personal items in it so I will be keeping those to myself. The other items below are really what I think the woman I want to be would do in her life. She is who I want to strive to be this year.

  • Cultivate more self-confidence
  • Less social media scrolling
  • Keep promises to myself
  • Spend more time outside
  • Spend more time connecting with loved ones
  • Create more
  • Read more
  • Get up earlier
  • Nail down a morning and evening routine for the week
  • Add more movement and stretching into my routine


I want to prove to myself that I am meant to be an entrepreneur and start making a consistent income with my business ventures this year.

  • Create more video content on Instagram for Learning to Bloom and Sow Little Thyme
  • Be consistent with posting on IG and the blog
  • Maintain my YouTube posting schedule
  • Launch Etsy shop – I have already done this – I want to enhance the listings to get more sales!
  • Learn more about WordPress and how to use it
  • Learn how to monetize
  • Start an email list and newsletter
  • Start a digital garden journal – This is done too! Check out my Substack here!

I know looking at this, it seems like a lot but honestly, a lot of items correlate with others on the list so they can pretty much be done simultaneously! I am hopeful and am not going for perfection here. Getting any number of these things to stick will be a win in my book! Can’t wait to share updates with you throughout the year! What goals are you setting for yourself this year?


  • Beth

    These are some great goals and I share many of the same goals for myself. I normally come up with a few goals for myself each year but then never write them down nor figure out a plan of attack so within a week or two, I’ve forgotten about them completely πŸ˜…. With all of the changes that this year will bring for myself and my family, it will be very important for me to stay on track and be open to making adjustments if necessary, as well as being open to new ideas and change. This post is making me a little giddy to see this year unfold and has inspired me to take a more active approach action towards my goals. Thanks for sharing, Sam! πŸ’›

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